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"No way...get the fuck out of here..." Tracer said as the other Tracer was confused. "How come I'm seeing this?... and why is your accent...American?" Graffiti Tracer looked back. "Why are you British? Do you know where you are??" Graffiti Tracer bobbed her head at her graffiti work as Lena and Emily turned her head. "BROOKLYN NY" The wall read. "Oh..." Lena sighed. "Yur....hmm?" Graffiti Tracer looked at Emily as she walked up to her. "Hell even with orange hair you're hot as shit!" Tracer was in shock as Emily blushed and rolled her eyes. "Is there like...another me?" Emily curiously asked. "Yeah come back to my crib I'll introduce you" Graffiti Tracer went into a full blink sprint as Emily and Tracer questioned the slang. "Cmon love" Tracer holds Emily and goes into a full sprint.

"Well this is my spot!" Graffiti Tracer tells the two as they walk into the apartment. "It looks similar to ours..." Emily says as a cigarette flies past her and out the window. "Whoaho! Get the fuck out!" An Emily wearing a blue scarf says as she walks up to the Emily wearing a green scarf. "This is so WEIRD!" Both Emily's say in unison as both Tracers giggle. " hair? Oohhhh..." blue scarf Emily questions as Tracer approaches the blue scarfed Emily. "Even with blonde hair you're adorable!" Tracer exclaims as blue scarf Emily blushes. Graffiti Tracer asks "so this possible?... "Well I don't know I had this weird drea-" "Stop-"

(A/N Graffiti Tracer will go by "GT" and Blue Scarf Emily will go by "BS Emily", happy reading)

The ground beneath them shakes as another tear opens up. "I know what this is..." GT says. "She needs our help again..." GT sighs. BS Emily gets up and goes to get ready. "If if her Emily is here don't you think they will need me too?" "Yes" GT answers and goes to a safe and grabs pills out of it. GT hands one to both Emilee's "You weren't here during the first war Tracer" GT explains as Tracer replies "what do you mean?". GT explains as everyone gets ready "A war in time broke out, many of overwatch's villains ripped through and caused havoc through timelines, we were the only ones capable of fighting due to our time manipulation powers" GT nods at Tracers chrono accelerator. "You didn't fight in the first one because when SL (Superior Lena, which is a Lena from another timeline) saw you, you were busy fighting doom-fist in Singapore along with the rest of the agents. We need to go rally our squad of variants and take down whatever threat SL is going to present to us when we see her." "Another mission...Let's do this" Emily and Tracer hold hands as both Emily's gets hit with the shock. GT explains "the pills should enhance Emily a little bit so she can be on par with us two, let's go." GT and BS Emily put on their gas masks as they fall through the portal. Emily and Tracer follow up as they begin the hunt for their squad.

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