Chapter 12 ~ zoom call ~

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The four young men sat drinking their tea in silence, Champ looked at Ian shaking his head and Liam looked at Phikhuam mouthing words at him but Phikhuam didn't know what he was trying to say until he received a text message from Lon,

[emergency zoom call in 30 minutes]

[what about?]

[top secret]


After they had finished their tea Champ stood up to say he was heading back up to the resort and Phik' suggested that Ian go up with him for an hour. Ian looked at Phikhuam in surprise, he hadn't stopped Ian going to the resort every day to see the guys but Ian knew he didn't like it.

Maybe it was because he had some company? that's good, perhaps he wouldn't give him grief when he was getting ready to go out later. Champ said goodbye to Phikhuam and ignored Liam before walking off and Ian told Phik' he wouldn't be long.

"that's ok Ian, enjoy your time with Champ, I know how fond he is of you"

"ok, thank you Phikhuam, see you later guys, don't forget to take your anti inflammatories in an hour, they're on the kitchen counter ready" Ian said before dashing off to catch up with Champ.

Phikhuam watched them walk up the beach until they were out of sight before running into the house to get his laptop and Liam sauntered in behind him wondering what the hell he was up to.

"Liam, keep watch, if you see Ian coming back let me know"

"ok bro, this is a bit cloak and daggers isn't it, what's going on?" Liam asked.

"I'm not sure, my friend Lon wants an emergency zoom call"

Phikhuam texted Lon again for his meeting ID and Lon replied saying that Kiri was the host so he would ask him and get back to Phikhuam with the ten digit number he would need to access the call.

Within minutes Lon texted back with his access ID and Phik' opened the browser on his laptop to set up his side of the meeting.

Liam kept a look out wondering what the hell was going on and soon, Lon and Kiri appeared on his screen.

"what's going on guys?" Phikhuam asked.

"I've arranged for the boys to go to XXXX club forty minutes away from here, they know me and security will be tight" Kiri said.

"so why the need for all this secrecy?" Phikhuam asked.

"Kiri and I are going Phik' are you coming as well?" Lon said.

"do you guys honestly think I'm going to sit back and let Kan go clubbing alone?" Kiri said.

"wait, you guys are already married, shouldn't you trust him?" Phikhuam said.

"I do trust him, it's those other bastards I don't trust!, listen are you in or out, I don't have a lot of time here" Kiri said.

"I'm in too, so what's the plan?" Phik' said.

"I've booked the VIP lounge, it overlooks the whole club but other clubbers can't see inside, we need to get there before the boys obviously so I've told Kan I'm going for dinner with Lon and were leaving the resort at 5.30pm, if your in tell Ian the same thing, that you're having dinner with us and we'll pick you up as we're passing"

"ok, do I need to bring my security?" Phikhuam asked.

"no, I've got my guys tonight, Paitoon has a modelling gig in Europe so Chit is with me as well" Kiri said.

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