Trouble (Part 2)

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TW: Bullying, Abuse


I walked into the principal's office with my head down. "Mis. Woods"

"Yes sir" "Take a seat" i sat down in a lather chair that was across from his desk keeping my head down "Some students came forward and told me what had happened, we don't tolerate fighting Mis. Woods"

"What but he started it! He was bulling my brother" I protested to no avail "It's doesn't matter who started it you still put your hands on another student" i growled, this was so unfair they did much worse than I did.

He gave me detention and I left. I was not going to go to no stupid detention.

I went through the rest of my classes at normal and at the end of the day I walked outside. For some reason we didn't have to talk the bus in the afternoon because the house was in walking distance but honestly, I didn't mind, I didn't want to walk at like 5 in the morning.

when I got outside side, I went looking for Liu because I was not going to just walk home without him. When I was looking for him, someone went up behind me and pushed me to the ground "WHAT THE FUCK" I yelled out as I fell to the ground landing on my stomach kind of knocking the wind out of me. Suddenly I felt something slam into my side and I cried out a small bit. The thing kept slamming into me over and over and I just heard laughing above me. I tried to get up but I was pushed down again so I just curled up and let it happen. Suddenly I heard my brothers.

"Get away from her!" Liu yelled and suddenly the thing slamming into me stopped. I looked over to where Liu's voice came from, and I saw him standing there with a rock. He threw the rock and it hit somebody. It gave me enough time to get up and realized what had happened. It was the boys from before and they had me on the ground and was kicking me. I growled and tackled one of the boys and punched them. One of the other boys ran over and I grabbed their leg pulling it out from under them and they landed on the ground with a thud "SHIT" they called out.

I got up and went over to Liu "Let's go bro" I started walking away with him following behind.

When i got home my father had some words for me "Jessica Allen Woods." I sighed and went into the living room where I heard his voice "You got into a fight at school today!?" I sighed "Yep."

"Young lady I raised you better the that. Go to your room your grounded" I growled and stormed upstairs to my room.

I wish I could say I bunch of interesting stuff happened, but it didn't. Most interesting thing that happened was a bunch of fights I got into and most of them were with the same boys. Alot of detention and fighting over and over. I did find out the boy's names though, it was Jason, Ryan and Kevin. Jason was like there ringleader.

One day some things changed though. Someone walked up to me and invited me to a party, and I decided I would go.

When I got home, I asked my mother about going to a party and she I would have to ask my dad. When I walked past Lius room, I heard him talking to someone. I Figured it was just Sully, as I said before my brother was crazy or so I thought at that time; I did not understand what alternate personalities were (ironic)

I went downstairs to my parent's room and opened the door. my dad was laying on the bed drinking beer as usual "Dad can I go to this party my friends are having" I lied about the friend's part to maybe make it a better chance I could go.
"You don't have any friends Jessica and no you can't go." I growled.

"Buts it a big party and don't you want me to make friends? I'm 17 dad i should be able to go to party's and have fun!" I protested. There was a lot of back and forth arguing and eventually he gave in "Fine. Go. But you're finding your own way there and back and if you're not back by 10 young lady your grounded."

I rolled my eyes and left heading to the party.


Woo another part done with 761 words! Not as much as the other one but i wanted the party to be a separate chapter.

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