The Party (Part 3)

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TW: Abuse, Sexual assault, murder


I was lucky that the party was not that far away. When I got there, there was a lot of people, but it didn't surprise me honestly, I think it was one of the popular kids who was hosting it. I walked inside and recognized a lot of the faces in there and I instantly recognized Jasons crew and sighed. I made it my goal to stay away from them the whole night, it was 7pm and i had till like 10:30pm

I mostly stood around drinking most of the night, there was surprisingly a lot of alcohol for a bunch of minors, well some of us were minors but we were still all underage. Around 9:30 some threw alcohol at me, and I growled as it got all over my white hoodie staining. I was going to beat their ass, but I didn't feel like it. I decided to go outside to get some air.

I went outside the backdoor and into the backyard, there was still people, and the lawn was covered in trash I decided to go into the woods that was nearby to be alone for a bit. Went I got a bit into the woods I could feel the feeling of being watched. I looked around and suddenly there was an arm around my neck "Sup bitch" it was Jason. I struggled to get out of his grasp, he slipped my hoodie of, and I realized the alcohol had soaked threw my hoodie but that was the least of my worries right now at least for now. He smiled his arm still around my neck and i struggled more.

I was just left in my sports bra because I didn't bother to put on a shirt underneath my hoodie. He pushed me down onto the ground and I was obvious he was drunk. He got on top of me, and Kevin and Ryan came out from the trees, and I struggled to get out from under him. They held my arms down, so I was completely restrained. Jason Touched me all over I felt violated. I wanted to scream but one of the other put their hand over my mouth, I smelt smoke and realized one of them were smoking.

"You're a little bitch you know that" Jason said with a growled as he touched my chest and kind of grinded on me dry humping me. I felt so fucken uncomfortable. One of them took out a knife and started cutting me and I winced in pain.

This happened for what felt like an hour before I felt something cold being dumped onto me. I looked and saw they were pouring alcohol on me, and I was so confused as to why but then realized they were not paying attention. I felt myself get soaked in alcohol and the ground beneath me Aswell it was gross.

Suddenly before I knew it, I felt my whole body light up in flames and I cried out in pain. The boys jumped back as i caught on fire and burned it hurt so bad like nothing I had experienced before.

"FUCK LETS GET OUT OF HERE" Jason cried dropping the knife he had and left me laying there with Kevin and Ryan following after. I cried out and what felt like my skin burning off. I tried rolling in the ground but some of that was on fire to due to the alcohol on the ground.

I eventually got myself put out and I laid there for a minute before struggling to my feet. I was in so much fucken pain but the only thing that ran through my mind was revenge. I looked at the knife laying on the ground and picked it up. I tried to smile but it hurt too much to move my face. With the adrenalin kicking it I carved a smile into my face with a cry of pain, I wanted to smile so I was going to smile weather my body let me or not.

I slipped on my hoodie and felt it rubbing at my expose burnt second layer of skin. My body was black and chard, but I didn't care i just wanted revenge. I walked back to the party with pain in every step, but I ignored it.

When I got back to the party people's eyes were on me as if seeing a wild animal or a ghost which I didn't blame them I probably looked horrible, I walked inside and eventually found Jason. I walked up behind him and slit his throat with one quick swipe and blood sprayed all over my hoodie and on me, but I didn't care I stabbed the knife into him over and over tell he was dead, and everyone ran away in horror. I eventually found Kevin and Ryan and did the same to them. apparently, they were gay because i found them making out with each other before I slashed open their face and stomachs.

"THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FUCKERS" I cried out and everyone ran, I heard police sirens "shit..." someone had called the police, and I ran out the back door. I ran into the woods almost tripping over sticks and rocks, but I managed to keep my footing. Bloodlust was running threw my veins and I didn't know why but I wanted to kill more.

I found a random house and stuck inside. The parents were asleep, and I snuck into the rooms stabbing them to death as they let out screams, I smiled. I went into their bathroom and looked at myself. I looked...awful but all I could see was beauty. I felt my eyelids start to close, I was getting tired and losing consciousness, but I couldn't let that happen. I cut off my eyelids and noticed my mouth was starting to rip off where I cut it. I grabbed some thread I found and a needle and sewed the corners of the cut so its worst worse and looked at myself. My hair had charred a sickly black and my skin was a tint of red and black and I smiled at myself.

Then i heard someone come into the room and I turned around to see a pale black-haired girl and she looked at ne horrified. She went to pull out a phone and I tackled her and slammed her head onto the ground many times till she knocked out. I assumed she was dead, but I should have made sure of it before I left. I ran out of the house, and I heard police sirens in the distance.

And I ran home.


Another chapter done and I'm pretty happy with it. 1109 words!

This was scarier when it happened and I'm sorry if it seemed rushed or all over the place i am doing this from my memory and how I remember it happening!

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