Chapter 18 - Endgame

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"You've got some guts to show up here, Avalon." Sands said. The man looked over to me.

"I demand to know the truth! The real one. Everyone lower the guns and let the man speak. I want to know what he has to say." I shouted. I was so fed up with the truth getting twisted back and forth, I didn't know who to trust anymore. Sands growled but stayed quiet.

"Thank you, Y/N." He approached me. "After all these years, I have finally found you, my daughter." My stomach dropped again. Could it be? I looked over to Sands.

"You bastard, Y/N is my daughter. Always has been. Don't think you can get your hands on her, because she has already chosen to be on the dark side."

Who was I supposed to believe? Both claimed to be my father, none of them backed down. Sabine came over to me and put her hand on my waist for emotional support.

"You wish she was your daughter! But in the end you just refuse to accept that Rosalinda and I were in love!" Avalon shouted and it hit a nerve on Sands.

"Rosalinda was MY wife! I don't believe a word you say. She belonged to me, loved me only!"

"Can anyone explain to me what the fuck is going on?" I interrupted them, I didn't need to hear their relationship drama to get to know the truth. Avalon turned back to me.

"Rosalinda is your mother, your aunt's sister. She died soon after you were born. She was married to Sands but the real father is me. You being born into the druids, and having magical potential within, you were supposed to become the fifth Soulrider." I frowned to the news. Avalon shot a glance at Sands. "But Sands thought you were his child and wanted you to become the fifth Darkrider instead. Your aunt knew about this conflict and took you away so you don't have to face either of those."

"Except it's the other way around Avalon! Rosalinda has always only been with me, so you don't even belong into this story. Stop making things up."

I was taken aback. I finally knew who my mother was, but she was dead. And there were two men, enemies, fighting over the fatherhood. It pained me that my mum had left so long ago, she must have known who my dad really was.

"Shut it now! You talking back and forth won't reveal anything!" I angered.

"You are right Y/N." Avalon spoke up. "Sands you can stop living in your delusion, because you know quite well that it's true!" Avalon reached out his hand and took mine.

The back of our hands were exposed and the same mark revealed. He had the same mark! The thing Ydris has been saying was true. The one with the same mark must be my father, it was Avalon.

"You're my father!" I said and Avalon took me into a tight hug. I was happy, relieved to finally know, yet it didn't feel good. I pushed him away again. What impact will this have now? After all that conflict, I somehow wished I wouldn't have found out.

Yes, the truth was what I had been seeking all this time, up to this moment. But now? It's making things more complicated.

"Come with me Y/N, come home." Avalon proposed.

I have chosen my side already. I couldn't leave DarkCore, right? Because I would never leave Sabine, I promised her and I will hold onto that.

My whole life, two men were fighting over who is my father, just to take advantage of me? My parents wanted me, but not in the same way I have always wanted them. This doesn't sound like family, this sounds like forcing my fate onto me. Don't I have any say in this? My aunt had made the right choice, she must have been the only one who has ever truly treated me as family, yet I didn't want to believe her.

Sands growled. "Father or not, you can't take her. Y/N is mine now. And she will become a Darkrider. If I was you, I would go now, because Valedale is under attack."

"What?" Avalon frowned.

"While you started to chat with me, I have already sent Katja to destroy your home village."

"You bastard!... Y/N please join me, you can't stay with a man like this." Avalon held out his hand once more and Sabine's grip on my waist tightened, yet she didn't say a word, putting her trust in my decision.

"I'm sorry I can't." I answered and Avalon sighed.

"If this is how it is, you must be almost beyond redemption." Avalon disappointedly shook his head, before he left, returning to Valedale.

I felt upset. It could have been the better choice. DarkCore has turned into a hellhole I couldn't leave for the sake of my heart. Sabine stroke my head in comfort.

"I knew I could rely on you, Y/N. I am glad that you still see me as your father. We can get back to the ritual once Katja has returned."

"Are you out of your fucking mind? Just because I didn't choose him, doesn't mean that you have been forgiven. You lied to me, tricked me into becoming a Darkrider. My aunt was right, it's best if I stay uninvolved with all of this bullshit!" I freed myself out of Sabine's grip.

This has all become too much for me to handle. I loved Sabine but this environment has become unbearable. Not too long ago, I saw DarkCore as my future, but now I felt lost. Where was I supposed to go if not to the druids nor DarkCore? They both wanted me, but I didn't feel like I belonged to either of them.

"Y/N, your fate has already been chosen. You will become a Darkrider if you want to or not."

"Stop thinking you can control my life!!" I cried and ran off. I couldn't do this anymore. Tears ran down my cheeks, I felt conflicted.


Autor's note:

This chapter isn't over, in fact you can choose which pair the story ends with.

There is "Ydris' end" and "Sabine's end". Of course you should read both, but you can decide for yourself which of those will be the finish for you, it doesn't matter for the plot which you read first. (I suggest to read your favorite pairing at the end, so this can be your last impression)

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