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   As Ace is driving you home you explain everything, you tell him about Marco and you tell him about why you were buying tests. You told him how you might be pregnant with his kid too, your brain was so scrambled you didn't notice it when he pulled into a gas station until he stopped the car.

"Y/N even before the chance of you having my kid I had been thinking, I do want to settle down. I want to settle down with you. I love you and I know you love me, we can make it work. I promise I will take the best care of you and our possible baby. I'll get a good job while you go to school. You are the only person I want, you are the only person who feels like home. You don't have to take me back but just know I meant everything I said." He said, panting a little bit because he was speaking so fast.

You looked at him, getting out of the car and moving to the driver's side and opening the door for him. Right as you started to cry he caught onto what you were doing and stepped out, wrapping his arms around you. "Hey, you don't have to think about it right now okay? It's gonna be okay, we'll figure it out. We always do." He said as he rubbed your back. You knew you never wanted to break up, you should've given him time to think instead.

You whispered that you wanted to stay a couple in his ear and he smiled, stroking your hair and kissing you in the middle of the parking lot. As he pulled away you remembered the tests and grabbed one. "Uhm, should I go take one to see if it's yours before it's too late?" you asked as he nodded and gave you a reassuring smile before you took his hand and made your way inside.

Your hands were shaking like crazy as you set the test on the counter and leaned into your boyfriends chest. You weren't sure if you would even be a good parent but you know that you are willing to make it work as long as you have him by your side. As you two waited Ace rambled about how you guys could get a house out near Edward's and how you would take your little one to see their uncles everyday. As you two stood there you realized that it was all gonna work out.

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