51. Tie them to the gears of a clock tower and tell them they don't have much time. They will laugh so hard they'll die.
52. Push them off of a skyscraper.
53. Friendzone them.
54. If their name is Mufasa, hold their hands on the edge of a cliff and then let go. Then lie to their child.
56. Intoduce them to their celebrity crush. Fangirling often causes fatal heart attacks.
57. Force them to read the saddest story ever. Kill them with feeeelss.
58. Tie weights to their legs and drop them into the ocean. Do you even lift?
59. Cause a cell to mutate in their body, and then have the mutation spread to more cells, causing a tumor in their brain. -_-. Science class. -_-.
60. maek tem rede all sentinses in mlg form.
62. They'll die of extreme OCD when they realize I switched 61 and 62.
61. Bulldoze them.
63. Trap them inside a trash compactor. You know, like in Star Wars.
64. Make them so drunk that they insult the hulk. HULK SMASH!
65. "Just... promise me... that you'll... *last breath* protect her." Make them listen to a story with every cliche line ever.
66. Change them into a bird. While they're flying, turn them back into... uh... whatever non-flying thing they were before. Hopefully human?
67. Make them a side character, but pretty much perfect so that everyone loves them. Then ask J.K. Rowling to write the ending.
68. Push them out a window and ask Wolverine to catch them.
69. Make them play a song with a "bad word" around their mom.
70. Or just make them say a "bad word" around their mom. Anything with moms and bad words, really.
71. Off with their head!
72. Change every class they have to Algebra. Just Algebra, all day.
73. Make them one of those chill dudes that likes to lean on things. Then "accidentally" turn on an electric fence.
74. Put them in a society full of people with powers. Make them one of the unlucky few born with one of the illegal powers *sigh*.
75. Put them inside the Chamber of Secrets with Professor Lockhart.
76. The most intense bass drop ever.
77. Force them to watch the ending of Doctor Who Season 2 over and over and *sobs* over again.
78. Make them go camping with their dad.
79. Give them a copy of your fire mixtape ayyyy.
80. Scare the sh- no maybe the cr- nah the life. Yeah scare the life out of them.
81. Everytime they use the bathroom, it's one of those huge poops that really hurts.
82. Curse them so that whenever they have an idea, they forget it soon after, so they're left with the lingering feeling of satisfaction but they don't know what for.
83. Whenever they start reading, make them always too distracted to pay attention so they can never know the ending! Muahahahahahahahhaha *coughs* haa *chokes*.
84. Lock them outside in a severe electrical storm. Zap!
85. Make them a stormtrooper and put them inside a strip club. They can never *winks* hit anything.
86. Delete everything except for Internet Explorer off of their computer.
87. Bash them in the head repeatedly with a lead pipe in the library. (refereeeencee)
88. Drop a TV off of a building on to them below.
89. Strangle them with a nice cozy blanket O_o.
90. Take away all of their friends and family, leaving them completely alone. *cries*
91. Treat them like they're in a Sims game, and when they get into a pool, build walls all around them.
92. 360 noscope them.
93. Put a pillow over their face and laugh as they slowly suffocate.
94. Make them accidentally slap Hercules. He'll be pissed.
95. Collapse a building on top of them.
96. If it's a guy, magically force them to have their period (with massive cramps) every day.
97. Punch them in the face so hard, all their teeth fall out. Then trap them in a room with only hard food.
98. Give them an exploding sandwich. It will be to die for.
99. Kick them into a bottomless pit with a [insert wild animal here].
100. Slowly stab a sharp stick into their eyeballs as you twist their arms and legs out of their sockets.
Well, as you guys can tell, this story is turning into ways to torture characters too. And this could actually be called 1001 Ways To Murder People. Um, kids, don't try this at home.
Anyway, I'm thinking of starting a new story that acts as a companion to this one. Each chapter in the new story will include 10 mini stories that match up with 10 of the ways to die. I'll take submissions, if you'd like to help!
Thanks for reading :).

1001 Ways To Kill Your Characters (and your readers' souls)
FanfictionPretty much exactly what the title says. Some ways will be ridiculous and others will be less ridiculous. I will try to update often, but 1001 is a lot.