1. Lock them in a room that is running out of oxygen, with multiple large fires going.
2. Push them off a cliff.
3. Chain them up and throw them into the ocean.
4. Disable the brakes on their car.
5. Slay them in battle.
6. Snipe them.
7. Set fire to their house.
8. Poison their food.
9. Tie them to train tracks.
10. Bind them and leave them in the middle of a busy road.
11. Tie them down and slice them in half with a laser.
12. Dissect them.
13. Throw them out of an airplane.
14. Bomb their house.
15. Tie them to balloons and watch them float away.
16. Starve them in prison.
17. Poison their drink.
18. Choke them with an automatic tightening sweatshirt or necklace.
19. Trample them in a stampede of (insert wild animal here).
20. Mutant (insert animal here) attack.
21. Give them a deadly disease.
22. Run them over with a large boulder.
23. Have them get caught in a ninja attack.
24. Make them be in an accidental car crash.
25. Make them be in a purposeful car crash.
26. Make a hole in the bottom of their boat when they are very far from shore.
27. Tie them to a giant flag on a windy day.
28. Stone them.
29. Hit them over the head with a large and heavy hammer.
30. Whip them repeatedly.
31. Play music in their ears, starting quietly, then slowly getting louder until they are in pain.
32. Stretch their limbs.
33. Run them over repeatedly with a wheelbarrow.
34. Tie them to a sled and push them off of Mount Everest.
35. Shove them into a locker and then jam it closed.
36. Stab them.
37. Drop glass dishes on them.
38. Give them a giant papercut.
39. Throw them into a grove of thorn bushes.
40. Smack them with a baseball bat.
41. Set them on fire.
42. Put them in a pool with electric eels.
43. Send an alligator to eat them.
44. Have a tunnel cave in on them.
45. Lock them in a room with hungry mosquitos.
46. Make them go for a swim in Antarctica.
47. Behead them.
48. Have the local volcano erupt.
49. Rupture a vital organ, and they won't realize until it's too late.
50. Stab them with pencils.
Bonus: *white mom voice* Ink poisoning.

1001 Ways To Kill Your Characters (and your readers' souls)
FanficPretty much exactly what the title says. Some ways will be ridiculous and others will be less ridiculous. I will try to update often, but 1001 is a lot.