II. The videocalls

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 At home, I recounted everything from the beginning to Mom, and she helped me choose a virtual background for my video call because I didn't want to show him my room. I changed my clothes, stressed about my hair, and harassed Iana to tell me how I looked. When 6 p.m. arrived, I was convinced that all of this was just a dream and that I would wake up disappointed.

"Quick, Nora, your phone is ringing!"

"I'm coming."

"Bonjour, Nora, I hope I'm not bothering you?" (in Korean)

"Bonjour, not at all. I've already prepared everything. Where should we start?"

"It doesn't matter; it's all the same to me."

"Then, let's go in order, but I'll mostly speak in French, and you stop me as soon as you don't understand, okay?"


An hour and a half later, we were done, and I had the feeling that he wouldn't need my help for long. At least not for science and English.

"I'm going to scan and send you my latest French and Dutch homework, and I'll bring you the notebooks tomorrow."

"That will be too heavy to carry. I can ask my father's driver to stop by your place, and we can go to school together tomorrow."

"No, my father would never agree. He's the one who takes us to school with my sister, so I won't have anything to carry, and then I'll put them in the locker. You have the combination; you can pick them up at your convenience."

"How can I thank you, then? Can I invite you to have lunch in town this Saturday? You can show me your favorite places in the city."

"You know, you don't need to thank me. It's not like in Korea here, and usually, I hang out with my sister or my mother, or both. We usually go to the movies, museums, or theater and dance performances. I don't have anyone at school whom I see outside of classes."

I saw him frown, probably not sure if he had understood correctly. Finally, I saw him without a mask, and I had been charmed for the past hour and a half. I secretly took a screenshot because I had promised Iana, and I hoped he wouldn't wear a mask to school anymore.

"Do you think your mother and sister would mind if I joined you? Does your mother speak my language?"

"No, she doesn't speak it, but she likes it. Listen, I'll ask her."

"I'm sorry; I'm a bit too curious. Sorry. It's late, and you must be having dinner with your family."

"No, there's no fixed time. Your house looks big."

"In fact, it's a hotel room. I'm here with my mother, and we're waiting for my father and my little sister to arrive before moving into a house paid for by the company where my father will be working."

"Ah, I see. You didn't mention that you have a little sister. How old is she?"

"She's 15 here, but I think she'll be going to a school with 100% English instruction because she's preparing to study in the United States someday. You'll meet her one day, but she's quite snobbish. I don't know how she'll feel here. She really didn't want to leave Korea."

"I understand how she feels", but I can't say it out loud. I needed to digest all my emotions, so I ended the conversation.

"See you tomorrow then. Send me a message if you have more questions."

"Thank you, see you tomorrow. I hope I didn't bore you with my family stories."

I hung up and rushed to tell Iana everything.

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