V. Together or maybe not...

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 POV Nora

On Monday, at school, it was as if Saturday night had never happened. Wonbin was the same as before. Sometimes I even had the feeling that he was avoiding me. I convinced myself that it didn't matter but it made me sad. He didn't hang out with other girls, but there were always some who charmed him. I was jealous and furious about it. One evening, after a week's break, he called me. I wanted to hang up on him but there was no way I could do that.

"Nora, I have to tell you something. I'm going back to Korea."

" Why? What's going on? Has your father been transferred again?"

"No,I've got to sit my final exams. You'll remember that I continued my courses at a distance but for the exams it's better to be on the spot. We'll take the opportunity to see the family. I'd like to bring you a present. What would you like?"

"It's a bit sudden. Well, I don't know. Stickers for my bullet journal."

"Stickers? Send me some photos and I'll see what I can do."

"I'll do that. How long will you be away?"

" Three weeks. Will you be able to give me your lessons afterwards? It'll be like when we first met."

"This time you'll have to pay me, with stickers and cards of my favourite idols."

"It's only normal, even if I find it a bit strange to ask a man to give you photos of other guys."

"You're my friend, so even if you don't like it, you'll survive."

"Yes, yes, you're right. Send me your wishlist and I'll do my best."

I got through the first week of his absence thanks to the messages we exchanged. Then he concentrated on his revisions and stopped writing. I missed him more than I cared to admit, and to tell the truth, Iana was a bit suspicious, but she was kind enough not to tease me. I hadn't told her about our kiss, or rather our fake kiss. It didn't matter, as he'd never tried anything again and it was better that way. I tried to convince myself of that, but I wasn't very successful. Halfway through the third week he called me on video:

"I'm in a bookshop recommended by Yeri, a paradise for kpop fans it seems. Look around me and tell me what you'd like."

" I can't believe it, it is indeed paradise. What's my budget? How much are the little cards? I'm going to pay you back anyway."

And to my great delight I was able to choose boards, stickers and cards of my bias and Iana's bias. He assured me that it wouldn't cost more than 100 euros. Now I was looking forward to his return even more.

POV Wonbin

On the plane home, I looked for the hundredth time at the photo I'd taken on my birthday. I smiled, thinking of the look on her face when she discovered her present. She was so easy to please. I'd bought twice as many cards and sheets of stickers and other accessories for bullet journals, on the advice of a shop assistant. And also a locket with butterflies because she told me she liked them. I was saving it for her birthday.

I'd missed her so much. I wanted to have her with me in Korea, to show her lots of places, but that wasn't going to happen just yet. Did she want more than friendship? And then what? A long"distance relationship? I was going home at the end of the school year anyway. I wouldn't even be there for her birthday. Come on Wonbin, fighting! Carpe diem. Make her as happy as you can in the here and now.

POV Nora

He came home last night. I know because Yeri confirmed it when we met up for the kpop class. He didn't think it was a good idea to send me a message but I don't blame him too much. He's probably tired. I just miss him. Yeri suggests we go out into the city centre after Saturday's kpop class .

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