IV. The birthday party

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 Wonbin didn't need me for his homework any more, but we still had our 6pm video call at least two or three times a week. He told me it was for drama practice or to exchange gossip, but for me it didn't matter why, as long as I had his undivided attention for a few minutes and could watch him.

It was Iana who was now making video calls with Yeri. They had common biases and, what's more, Yeri was planning to come to the dance class with us.

I was only half happy about this news. I was ashamed in anticipation of our level. I already knew what dance schools were like in Korea. But how could I stop her?

Iana was really happy to have her as a friend. Yeri spent a lot of time with us at the dance reherseals. She was my friend too, to tell the truth.

" Nora, Iana, I've got some news for you. Saturday is Wonbin's birthday and my parents have asked me to invite his friends. You two first, the boy over there, Hicham and his other mates he plays basketball with. Will you help me hand out the invitations without Wonbin noticing? My parents will be there but I think it'll be a good idea. They want to invite a real DJ for the music and there will also be some Korean kids from my dad's colleagues, but they're just kids."

"We'll help you, of course," says Iana.

"I'll take care of my classmates and Iana will take care of the others, OK?"

I slipped the invitations into the lockers of Hicham and two other boys and considered my mission accomplished. All that remained was to think of the best present for Wonbin.

What a surprise it was when Hicham took me into a corner of the gym to tell me that he and his mates didn't see any way of partying without alcohol, that it was a shame to have the parents there and that he'd asked me to tell Wonbin but to come up with a false pretext.

"What a coward, he liked to play ball with him but otherwise he didn't give a damn". I hoped he wasn't going to spoil the surprise at least. He even gave me back the three invitations, which I hid in the locker. Wonbin was using his locker anyway, he never came to mine any more.

I told Yeri but she was happy.

" The less people there are, the more cake and good food there will be to share. Anyway, I bet they wouldn't have appreciated Korean food."

"They probably wouldn't. Hey, Yeri, what should we wear?

" Whatever you girls like, you're always well"dressed."

There were still three days to go before the party and Iana and I still hadn't come up with an idea for a present.

Iana decided to join in with Yeri's present and Mum gave her money for a giftcard on Amazon. But I wanted to give him something unique. When I reread our messages, I realised that he had often asked me for a list of my favourite songs, films and books. I'd never taken the time to do it. So my decision was made. I would make a mini bullet journal for him. I've put my favourite quotes in French and English, my top ten dramas, my favourite chill songs and raps and my alltime favourites. I also wrote him a message in Korean to thank him for becoming my friend.

On Saturday we were invited over from 5pm and Wonbin still didn't seem to have a clue. He'd been told that the house was being decorated for a work party for his father. As I wasn't supposed to know his birthday, I didn't wish him one. Instead, we joked about what he should wear to shock his father's guests. I discouraged him, fearing that he might actually go through with it. Iana and I decided to wear short skirts with socks above the knees and jumpers, a bit Korean style, and we put on a little make-up. Mum had agreed to let us go by bus as it was close to the school and gave us 10pm as the end time, on condition that we were accompanied by the parents in the car.

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