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(The most badass intro ever:

MM Leo: My brothers. Master Splinter has given us a very important mission for tonight.

12 Leo: The target is across the street. We must use stealth and cunning to infiltrate the human world and retrieve... "Go-gurt"!

MM Raph: Go-Gurt!

MM Mikey: Okay, "Batman".

12 Donnie: Heh.

MM Leo: What? I'm just trying to hype you guys up.

12 Raph: Give me that list. What else are we getting? Four quarts of nonfat milk...

12 Donnie: Nice.

MM Raph: cream, [groans] fruits and veggies?

12 Mikey: [retches]

12 Donnie:...and a party-size bag of Cool Ranch Doritos. (Sweet Spicy Chili is superior)

MM Mikey: I like Cheeto Puffs.

MM Donnie: He was very specific about the party size. He underlined it twice.

12 Leo: Donnies, you're on toiletries.

12/MM Donnie: Got it.

MM Leo: Raphs, you're stocking up the pantry.

MM Raph: [sighs]

12 Raph: Whatever.

MM Leo: Mikey, you're on junk food.

MM Mikey: Yessirski.

12 Mikey: Booyakasha!

MM Leo: And remember-- don't let any see you.

12 Leo: Because why?

All: "Humans are the demon scum of the earth. Avoid them, don't say hi. They lust to murder that which is different from them. To interact with them is to die."

MM Leo: And hey, I know that's objectively prejudiced, but that's what dad taught us.

12 Mikey: Uh, I think humans seem kind of cool, to be honest. Beyonce...

MM Donnie: We wouldn't have K-pop without humans, soooo...(Donald, you nerd.)

MM Raph: Drake. The GOAT of all time.

12 Donnie: I would love to have brunch with Tom Brady.

MM Mikey: Guy Fieri seems like a fun hang. And I've always wanted to go to Flavortown.

12 Leo: Look, we all think humans are cool, but we got a job to do. [deep voice] Let's go!

MM Mikey: "Let's go, I'm Leo."

12 Raph: "I'm the leader."

MM Donnie: You sound like you have bronchitis.

12 Mikey: What's bronchitis?

MM Donnie is your typical nerd who likes K-Pop and AOT. AKA, me! Anyways, V&C!

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