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" a single day and night of misfortune, the island of Atlantis disappeared into a depths of the sea."
- Plato, 360 B.C.

Atlantis once was an Ancient Empire was sunken in beneath of the sea a few years before it happened that happened they were visted from people from outer space their leader is named Darth Revan he his family and his friends managed to escape from the tsunami on their ship and are watching Darth Revan is currently watching watching at the tsunami what was once Atlantis

???: Dad?

Revan turned around to see his son 10 year old son and his apprentice Vaner Shan

Revan: Yes son

Vaner: What are we going to do dad now that Atlantis is gone?

Revan pick up his son

Revan: Don't worry son one day Atlantis will be find one day by one our decedents

Vaner: Really dad?

Revan: Yes son we will be ok

Author POV
Everything went black and a intro came in

A man woke up he just had another dream he has been getting a lot

His name is Zack he is a 17 year old mute boy who is currently in a car driving from his friend he is Washington DC visting his brother Milo he is not his biological brother Milos grandpa adopted zack when he was 9 years old his parents was killed...

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His name is Zack he is a 17 year old mute boy who is currently in a car driving from his friend he is Washington DC visting his brother Milo he is not his biological brother Milos grandpa adopted zack when he was 9 years old his parents was killed in a house fire his parents are friends with Thaddeus Thatch who were apart of his crew in the quest of finding Atlantis and his parents who are intrested in the ability called the Force and a ancient man named Darth Revan he doesn't know why they are interested in him and the Force.

Ford: Hey Zack we're here

His best friend Ford was driving him to brothers home who is a apparent building Zack got out of the car

Zack: [Thanks for the ride Ford] Zack said in sign language

Ford: Your welcome my friend tell Milo I said hi

Zack: [Ok] Zack said in sign language he went inside of the apartment building he went upstairs by his door he knock the door but didn't answer Zack he feels Milo not in there but he feels he is coming right now he doesn't explain his ability but knows. Milo came out of the corner he look at sad for some reason but then he saw his brother

Milo: Hey Zack what are doing here?

Zack went up to Hug him because he hasn't seen him in four months. Milo hugged back

Milo: Yes yes it's nice to see you too what are doing here?

Zack: [I got your letter wanting me to come here] said in sign language

Milo looks confused

Milo: What letter? I didn't sent you a letter

Zack showed him the letter

Zack: [It says it right here]

Milo and Zack are confused on who sent the letter to Zack

Milo: Well you must be hungry let's come inside I will make you something to eat

Zack: [Ok]

Milo opened the door

Milo: Fluffy come here kitty Zack has come to visit

He tried to turn the lamp but it didn't work

???: Milo and Zack Thatch?

We turned to see a beautiful woman sitting in a chair

We turned to see a beautiful woman sitting in a chair

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Zack: [She looks beautiful and cute] Zack thought

Milo: Wait who are you?

Helga: My name is Helga Sinclair I work on the behalf of my employer

Zack: [Employer?] He said in sign language

Milo: Employer? Who's your employer?

To be continued

Atlantis The Lost Empire Male Grey Jedi reader x Helga Sinclair Where stories live. Discover now