Chapter 1

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Zach POV

I see Milo throwing up off of the ship

Milo: Carrots why does it have to be carrots?

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Milo: Carrots why does it have to be carrots?

I patted on his back

Speaker: Will everyone get to the launch bay?

Me and Milo had started walking towards to the launch we and we see a big ship.

Me and Milo had started walking towards to the launch we and we see a big ship

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And we saw the ship
Until some bump into us

Vinny: Hey Juniors if you are looking for the pony rides? There back there

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Vinny: Hey Juniors if you are looking for the pony rides? There back there

I started to walk forward until I accidentally bump into someone I look up to see it was

I started to walk forward until I accidentally bump into someone I look up to see it was

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Helga Sinclair

Helga: Well hello there cute boy are you lost?~

I started to blush madly because of her flirting and she is beautiful

I nodded

Helga: Well come with me I will tale you inside~

I took her hand and she took in the ship and she led me to the bridge there I met someone named Commander Rourke

I took her hand and she took in the ship and she led me to the bridge there I met someone named Commander Rourke

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Rourke: Hello there Zack it's nice to meet welcome to the Ulysses

I saluted

And he saluted back and he chuckled

Rourke: Well you are a funny kid Zack

I nodded

Rourke put his hand on my shoulder

Rourke: I am sorry for what happened to your parents. They were the best explorers that I ever knew I think they'll be very proud of you

I nodded

The ship started to dive in the ship
I see Mr. Whitmore in a blue navy uniform from the window I went over towards the window and I wave to him and he wave back and we started to sink.

We are the ocean now I was amazed to see the ocean for the first time I heard my brothers named saw my brother come up doing a presentation

He explained a creature called the Leviathan

I started to shiver I heard the creature  from my parents when I was young I heard that to it can destroy even fleets of ships because how powerful it is

I started to feel something in my head I heard something is coming

Helga went over to me and put her hand on my shoulder

Helga: Hey Zack what's wrong?

And I new something is coming


To be continued

Atlantis The Lost Empire Male Grey Jedi reader x Helga Sinclair Where stories live. Discover now