Meeting Mr. Whitmore

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Zacks POV

We were currently driving in the Helgas car driving to a big mansion where her employer Iives we got inside and we went inside and went inside of elevator she gave us a list a few rules

Helga: Are we clear?

Me and Milo nodded

Helga: Don't worry he doesn't bite...often especially to you cute boy~

I Blush at her comment

We went inside of a we look around and we see a big potrait of our grandpa and my parents

Milo: Grandfather?

???: Yes old Thaddeus Thatch

We turned around to see a old man doing some kind of yoga

???: Named Mr. Whitmore

Milo: Um Mr. Whitmore can you explain why we are here?

Whitmore: Check those packages on that table overthere

We went over there we a small package that belongs to Milo and the box belongs to me and it says from from my parents

Milo: It's from my grandfather?

I show the box to Milo

Milo: And this box says it is from Zack parents

Whitmore: They gave it to me years ago they say it anything happened to them
I should gave you guy's when your guys are ready. Milo opens the package and it revealed to be the

 Milo opens the package and it revealed to be the

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The Shepherds Journal

Milo: This is the Shepherds Journal?

I opened my box and I was shock in what's inside

Milo: Zack what is it? What's in the box?

I look inside of the box and I found a mask not just any mask it was

I look inside of the box and I found a mask not just any mask it was

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Darth Revans mask

And there his lightsabers

And there his lightsabers

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Atlantis The Lost Empire Male Grey Jedi reader x Helga Sinclair Where stories live. Discover now