Chapter 8

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You feel the cold metal of the glasses slide over your nose once more. The world once again transitions into black and white. At first, there is nothing. For one beautifully deceptive moment, you can almost convince yourself that all is well. Then, you hear it. The scratching coming from the closet. Slowly, you watch the door to the closet open, and a single inhuman, elongated hand emerges. Followed by a second. You feel a scream rising in your throat as you watch in horror as the rest of the monster emerges. Its long, lanky legs close the space between the closet and the bed in two steps. You watch it climb on the edge of the bed, crawling, hovering over you, past your feet, your legs, your hips. You desperately want to rip the glasses off of your face, to make the creature disappear, to scream, to do anything, But you can't move. You're petrified and frozen in place; you can't even breathe. Your lungs scream as you wish you could as you look into the face of the creature. Its dark hair fell in unkempt tendrils around its face and shoulders. Its eyes seemed to be made of black buttons, so dark and shining you could nearly see yourself reflected in them. Where a human would have had a nose, this creature had a black and white striped pointed cone. It seemed to be wearing some form of face paint or grease paint unless its skin was simply printer paper white by nature. The creature's mouth was wider than it should have been, and it had lips that seemed to have been tattooed black. It opened its mouth, and you could see the thing's teeth. Inside of its maw, you could see rows of sharp and jagged, pointed teeth, as though this were some strange mutation of a shark. It ran its black and white tongue along the top row of its terrible teeth. Almost as though in anticipation. It extended its tongue, and that was when you screamed. Black ichor dripping off of it onto the bedspread like ink. The black and white tongue extended like a snake, and the creature ran its tongue along the side of your face. The sensation shocked you out of your frozen state, and with a single jerk of your hand, you swiped the glasses off of your face so fast they flew to the opposite end of the room and clattered against the dresser drawer before falling in a heap atop the snowy white carpet. That didn't happen, you try to tell yourself, there's no way that just happened... but the black stains across the bedspread are evidence enough. You wipe your cheek with the back of your hand, and it comes away with streaks as black as oil. You scream again, and this time, you can't contain them. There will be no stifling these screams, not this time. You scream and scream and scream.

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