1. The moor

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I believe that good music helps a lot to get into the atmosphere of the story, so I will recommend a few songs for each chapter. In the description you have a link to the playlist on YouTube, which I will update.


Messe pour orgue, Kyrie: II. Kyrie eleison I
L.U.C. - Babie lato
Lord of the rings - The Council of Elrond

And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul;
rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.


Once upon a time, a man was born so evil that even today the memory of him is terrifying.  No one knew his real name, but he called himself Kenjaku.

Kenjaku devoted his entire life to serving evil, striving to become the most powerful warlock to ever exist.  More powerful than the Evil himself.  For this purpose he used ancient, already strictly forbidden black magic, for which he was sentenced to death.

The world lived in fear of this evil sorcerer for a long time, the hunt for him lasted decades and claimed many victims.  It took a long time, but Kenjaku was finally captured and his execution took place at the end of the 15th century and became known as the most important witch execution in history.  From that moment on, there was to be peace in the world.

However, no one predicted that long before his capture, Kenjaku made a mysterious pact that was supposed to save his soul from destruction.  He was promised protection, but the sorcerer's soul would wander in nothingness for eternity until someone strong enough was born to free it.

Every few decades, children capable of using magic were born among his descendants.  However, none of the chosen ones managed to gain enough power to help Kenjaku be reborn in the new world.

What price did Kenjaku pay?  No one knows...

The horse-drawn carriage rolled lazily along the uneven dirt road, between two fields of grain.  Swayed by gentle breezes, the wheat waved like a golden sea at the end of which a forest grew.  The trees grew close to each other, and their crowns intertwined, covering the horizon.  Although the sun was still high, the golden sky announced the approaching sunset.

The man wiped his forehead with hand, wiping away the sweat beading on his temples and dampening his snow-white hair.  He took a deep breath, exhausted from the long journey.  He had a long way to the residence of a certain baron who had been high on his list of regular patients for many months.  He was a greedy and arogant man.  He couldn't give up alcohol and fatty food, which caused him to suffer from chronic stomach pain.  The medic had to visit him at least once every two weeks, prescribing new herbs and drops, because he couldn't be convinced to change his diet.

The thought of this man passed with a dark shadow across the medics's face, and he pushed it out of his mind as quickly as possible, trying not to think about the superiority and contempt he had to endure during his visit.  Indeed, even the high fee he received for his services was not sufficient compensation for such humiliation.

Weary from the journey, he briefly looked around at his surroundings, but the view remained unchanged: endless stretches of fields and forests ready for harvest.  Before his eyes returned to the road, he saw a column of pitch-black smoke rising into the sky.  He looked at this sight with furrowed brows, feeling anxiety rising deep in his heart.  The size of the cloud indicated that the source must have been very, very close.

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