Rouge Café

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Sup homies


I will admit this is kinda confusing, but yh

and it's different from the other type of things I've written, so...
Not proofread!!


Mina knew something was wrong as soon as a group of women in suits stepped into her little cafe. Their dark and serious presence made her feel uneasy; the broad shoulders, Expressionless faces, and uniforms caused an unsettling feeling in her stomach.

As she wipes the tables, she makes sure to keep an eye on the women, One of the women turns to the nearest employee. She exchanged some words with sana, the employee, who, due to the women's words or maybe even the over intimidating presence, made sana's face pale. Panicking, Mina puts a calm face on and walks towards the two. "May I help you...Ma'am?" Smiling lightly at the woman who seemed to be emotionless.

The woman responds with: "we need to the owner.." Her tone was cold but calm, Mina with a slightly confused face responds with a "I'm afraid my father is not well, at the moment, but i'm sure i could help you out..on his behalf" Mina remained professional, The woman eyed her, furrowing her brows slightly glancing at her 'friends' "No, we must speak to him, and him only" she insists "Im sorry ma'am that's not possible at the moment" Mina retorts. The woman leans down to minas height, "Listen here dipshit, We want to talk to your father. So that happens, or we blow this whole place down" she moves her jacket slightly, revealing her gun.

A vein popped on Mina's forehead, "No, you listen here! I don't know who you are or why you're here, but you are not going to walk into my cafe and start threatening me!" Mina scolded, catching the attention of a few customers and visitors.

The woman gives her a malicious scowl as she reaches for her weapon.

Mina gulped slightly, cursing herself for her big mouth. The crazy fool wouldn't actually shoot?..right?

Just as the woman reached for her gun, a hand on her shoulder seized her movements, making Mina breathe out in relief.

"Now, Now Momo, i don't think the little girl knows what she's saying~" Sings a low feminine voice, Mina glaring up at the owner of the voice, How dare she call her a little girl?! At 23! She's no little girl" She glared at the dark foresty, green eyes, Framed by dark long lashes. Her own eyes widened slightly...she was absolutely a dangerous way. Unlike her goon, she was dressed in a fitted black suit, which emphasised her broad shoulders and her tall, lean figure. Her face was pale.. With hues of bronze, she looked like she was glowing, which was what mina thought. Her face..oh her face. Mina groaned at her cold yet beautiful face, Her thick, neatly groomed dark eyebrows, slanted cheekbones, her straight nose and dusty pink lips, and don't get her started on her sharp jaw...mina was in love. A lighter line of skin cut on her left eyebrow. Mina couldn't help but find the scar appealing but one thing from the woman's appearance she could tell was that she was not to be messed with, It was obvious that she was the one incharge of these goons.


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567 words

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