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On October 1st 1989 women around the world gave birth sir Reginald hargreeves thought they were special so he tried to gather as many kids as he could he only got eight of then.

Number 1- "Luther" has super strength
Number 2 - "Deigo" has knife skills
Number 3 - "Allison" can rumor anybody by say the words "I heard a rumor.."
Number 4 - "Kalus" can communicate with the dead
Number 5 - "five" can spacial jump and time travel
Number six - "ben" can shoot tentecals out of his stomach
Number seven - "Vanya" is ordinary
Number eight - "Y/n" has telepathy, shape-shifting, invisibility, mind reading.

(In sir Reginalds notes)

Number five is missing because he insisted he was ready to time travel, and left at dinner and never came back I don't think he will ever come back.
Number six is dead passed away on a mission a few years ago
Number eight is in a coma and has been in a coma ever since Ben Hargreeves death and Five hargreeves disappearance.

Y/n pov
I'm stuck I have been in this dark room drake place there's no light no nothing just a dark room filled with a little bit of water kind of like a void thing (see what I did void... stranger things.. nope okay)

I'm scared I have no one here with me fives not here, Ben's not here, vanyas not here, Diegos not here, Luther's not here, Allison's not here, last but not least Klaus isn't here. I feel alone like I'm dead but I'm not...

Pogos pov
Now since sir Reginald is dead I can inject the serum into Number eight. Master Hargreeves gave me an order to when he died I have to inject this health serum into Number eight so here go nothing.

Y/ns pov
I felt this pain in my body like someone was stabbing me with a needle... then all of a sudden I woke up. I saw very bright lights and looked up to find pogo by my side.

"Pogo i-is that really you?" I questioned its been like 3 years in that thing.

"Miss Y/n it's great too see your awake." Pogo stated,

"Pogo it's been like three years where are the others?" I questioned and worried that when I woke up I only saw Pogo,

"The others are downstairs but I heard you correctly when you said it's been three years." Pogo said,

"yeah it has, but can I go down stairs I want too see the others?!" I questioned I really did miss everybody else I wanted to be with them again.

"Yes miss Y/n you may, but I need to tell you something important."

"Like what pogo?" Now I was starting to get scared.

"Well miss Y/n you said you have been in that world for 3 years... it's actually been 17 years everybody is down stairs because well your farther sadly passed away because of a heart attack/ heart problems..."

"Wait, so your telling me that I've been in a coma for 17 years while everything else happened?" I was believing pogo, but at the same time I wasn't I just wanted too see everybody else especially Five.

"Yes that is correct Miss Y/n." Pogo answered quickly

"I-i need time to think especially see the others thank you pogo I appreciate it."

"No problem miss Y/n be careful you haven't walked in 17 years." Pogo reminded me.

"I will thanks Pogo," I walked downstairs to get to the others but I don't think they have heard or seen me yet but when I walked down the last step I heard Diego say, "isn't it obvious Luther here thinks that one of us killed dad." After he said that I new it was my turn to step in.

"Y-you think one of us killed dad.?" After I said that everybody's attention was turned to me Allison was first to speak up.

"Y/n your awake it's been 17 years how are you?" Allison questioned

"I feel like shit, but after that I feel alright, but the real questions are, Luther why the Hell do you think one of us killed dad? Is Five back? And where's Ben's statue?" Nobody answered my questions instead they all just looked around the room except for me.

"N/n we will tell you everything soon but right now we need to focus on dad's death..." Luther said. After Luther was dumb enough to say the stupid shit everybody started yelling and leaving the room Klaus, Allison, and I were left

"You know what Luther I'll be right back N/n and I will be Murdering mom, bye 👋" Klause sarcastically said as he pulled me out of the room.

"So N/n how you doin? And also Five hasn't come back yet, sorry bout that..." Klaus said knowing how much  I missed Five and cared for him.

" it's okay Klaus I think I just need some time alone so if you don't mind I'll be up in my room resting." I said, I was bummed out that five wasn't back yet he promised me that he'd be back but right now I feel anger growing inside me and I need my music.

"Y-yeah sure N/n just if you need anything you can talk to me you know this." Klause waved me bye as I left to my room when I reached my room I found my Walkman on my bed and started listening to my own music my favorite song

And you've got to let me know should I stay or should I go now

I remember when five and I would listen to this song together when we were younger we were closer together closer than Luther and Allison.

If I go there will be double should I stay or should I go

Out of nowhere a blue bright light was shown I turned my Walkman off and ran downstairs towards the light everybody else was already found there wondering what the hell was happening.

"Every body move!!" Klaus came running over pushing everybody out of the way and throwing a fire extinguisher at the blue portal

"Klaus what the hell was that supposed to do?" Questioned Diego

"I don't know It was worth a shot!" Then all of a sudden an old man came running threw the portal he was getting younger and younger by the second until he came crashing down.

He looked familiar too familiar

"Does anybody else see little Number five or is it just me?"

Five looked confused so he looked down at himself then realized what klause mean't


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