What the fuck? pt.2

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Before we could go any further the bell rang which means dinner was ready. Five and I stopped kissing and looked at each other out of breath and blushing like crazy. We both ran downstairs being the last ones to stand behind our seats. Reginald hargreeves soon walked into the room with Herr Carlson playing in the background. Reginald looked at his children.

"Sit," He ordered. Luther and Allison shared their own awed, lovesick looks, Diego carved into his wooden chair with his knife, Klaus was fumbling with drugs, Ben read a book, Y/n kept looking at Five, Vanya sliced her food, and Five kept glaring at Reginald while Reginald looked back at him daring him to make a move. Five stabbed his knife into the table gaining everybody's attention.

"Number five," Reginald asked strictly 

"I have a question," Five glared at the man ignoring everybody's stares.

"Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules. No talking during mealtimes. You are interrupting Herr Carlson."

"I want to time travel." Five argued

"No." Reginald replied bluntly

"But I'm ready I've been practicing my spacial jumps just like you said." He got up from his seat and spacial jumped beside Reginald. "See!"

"A spacial jump is turbo so when composed with the unknowns of time travel. One is like sliding along the ice, the other is akin to defending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn."

"Well I don't get it." Five snapped.

"Hence the reason you are not ready."Reginald explained.

"But I'm not afraid."

"Fear isn't the issue the effects it might have on your body, even on your mind are far too unpredictable, Now I forbid you to talk about this anymore."

Five clenched his fist and took a look at everybody's not paying attention. Fives eyes landed on me and I shook my head signaling him to not do anything and just sit back down. But of course he didn't listen he ran off to the front door. I got up from my seat and took off after him to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.

"Number five! Number eight! You haven't been excused yet come back here!" We both didn't listen to him instead we ran out the door well I was following him.

"Five-" I started but I was cut off by him

"Just go back home Y/n nobody needs you here, your not special, and you need to stop following me like your a pet, okay just go home, we kissed only once it's not a big deal, it's not like I love you or anything so go back inside." Five said before spacial- I mean time traveling away

I fell to my knees heartbroken about what just happened. He said he doesn't love me and the kiss meant nothing I loved no I love him but he doesn't love me back. I got up off the ground and ran back inside running up to my room not caring what everybody else had to say.

Flashback over
Y/ns pov

I ran to my room not caring about five being back, or about dad's funeral. I stayed in my room for about 35 minutes so I could cool down, I heard that they already finished the funeral so i headed downstairs.

"Wait-where are you going? Allison asked

"To go get a decent cup of coffee." Five answered

"Can I come with?" I asked softly

"Yeah sure hurry though I'm leaving in 30 seconds." After that he spacial jumped away I ran downstairs and outside to the alleyway of the edge of our house. I got in the car right before Five took off.

"So... are we gonna talk about it?" I asked

"Talk about what?" Five questioned, confused

"OH I don't know maybe about how you spoke to me right before you left?!" I exclaimed

"Look Y/n I'm sorry okay I promise if I hurt you I didn't mean to I didn't mean it okay I do love you and that kiss was amazing it was just in the heat of the moment okay I was mad that dad wouldn't let me time travel..." Five explained quickly

"Five it's okay it's just that words can hurt and the way you spoke to me left me heartbroken because I loved- no I love you and you just took that away from me by those words so please I hope you know you mean everything to me but words hurt so if you don't want to hurt the person your talking to think about what your going to say and how your going to say it before saying it okay five?" Five was shocked by everything I just said but after all he did nod just letting me know he took everything I said in and thought about it.

"Wait-wait Five did you just say you love me?!?!" I exclaimed Five suddenly stepped on the brakes hard and looked at me.

"Yes okay I did say I love because it's True I love you with everything I have and I would kill anybody for you I would give my world. So please give me another chance?" Five asked hoping I would say yes.

"You know what I'll give you a second chance but if you mess this one up you don't get another chance okay?"

"Yeah yeah alright." He said. We both leaned in and kissed each other. Five started taking me out of my seat and set me on his lap. We both broke apart and he looked at me

"Wanna finish what we started 17 years ago?"
Five asked

"After we have our coffee okay?" He looked sad but obliged and we got out the car and headed into Griddys dount shop.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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