What the fuck

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"Five?" I questioned

"Y/n I- I let me-" Five started before I cut him off

"Let you what explain, so you can leave me again what the fuck is wrong with you. You leave me for 17 years and come back thinking everything's gonna be alright?!" I was furious he left me for 17 years I can't believe him. I walked up to him and slapped him across the face

"Argh! What the hell was that for?!" He yelled

"For leaving me for 17 FUCKING YEARS!" After I said that I left.

17 years ago...

"Truth or dare?" Five questioned

"Dare!" I said

"I dare you to tell me who your crush is!" Five exclaimed

"Uhm... do I have too?" I was scared I liked Five a lot but I never extended on telling him

"Yeah of course you do it's a dare so tell me!" I guess if Five really wanted to know I was gonna have to tell him... or show him.

"How about I show you instead of tell you?" I told him it was more of a question than a statement

"Ew no I don't want to see you kiss Diego, or Klaus, or even luth-" before Five could finish his statement I kissed. Dumb I know but it was worth a try.

After a few seconds Five and I pulled away.

"Wow... I sure wasn't expecting that!" Five said I was scared I didn't know what to do after that but it turns out Five made the first move because he kissed me back. Five and I's kiss got heated In a second Five pushed me onto the floor and gripped my waist tightly and started kissing my neck. Before we could go any farther the bell rang which meant dinner was ready.

(I have to stop here so forgive me I will update soon)

Magnifying (Five Hargreeves x reader)Where stories live. Discover now