Chapter 1

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Touya's pov

"keigo, I'm scared it's storming," I mutter. Hoping kei's awake, kei lift up the blanket, "You can sleep with me tonight," He says. I jump under the blankets and hide in his arms. I shiver a little."Hey, it's okay it can't hurt you," He says, trying to calm me down, but I start to cry a little bit. "I know, but it just freaks me out." Lightning starts to light up the room."AAAHHH!!!" I scream, jumping under the covers."shhh It's okay." I'm sorry, I know I'm being silly..." I blush."No, you're not being silly. It's just a fear like I'm scared of Spiders." He chuckled. Another loud bash of thunder, I started to cry into his chest. "Why are you so sweet to me?" I ask. "Because you're my best friend and my roommate." He smiles

Keigo's pov

"Thank you, I'm glad to have such a kind friend like you," He says, head still buried in my chest. "Yup, now trying to get some sleep," I say. I wait for him to fall asleep before I go to sleep to make sure he's okay. As soon as he fell asleep. I passed out, too

Touya's pov

I wake up the next morning, and I feel warm. My head was still on his chest his heartbeat was amazing, i smile at him and watched over him for a few minutes. can feel you staring at me he chuckled, :Ah sorry" I look away, blushing, "What do you want to do? "I ask, still blushing. Well, we don't have much time before training, and then we have school, and then we have more training, so just a regular day. "You're right." I sigh, and I start to get up. "How are you so good at fighting? "Well, I have been in the commission since I was five." He laughs."I see, I wish I was as strong as you," "Just cause your quirk hurts. Your body doesn't mean you're not strong." He smiles. "I don't want to talk about this right now, " I say, clearly upset. "That's okay. Well, i'm gonna go get changed in the bathroom." He says,"Okay," I say, getting changed as well.

After training and school

Keigo pov

"I'm not sure if I did well during the training," Touya says, worried," I'm sure you did. I stop as I look at Him "are... are you mad at me?" He Stuttered "For fuck sake." I say as I walk to the bathroom and grab the first aid kit and walk back I sit down on the bed next to touya and grab his hand and start bandaging it. "You need to be more careful. Look at Your burns. " He flinches "I..I am so sorry." He apologizes."Oh shit sorry I should have warned you before I touched you." I apologize quickly. "Please try to be more careful in the future." He says I look at him. "Do you have any burns anywhere else?" I ask. He doesn't answer in just points to his stomach. I sigh, "Take off your shirt, and I'll bandage it."
He does he takes off the shirt, I blush, and start bandaging his chest and stomach. I finish banding and giving touya a gentle hug, trying not to hurt him. "This is all because of my stupid father! He won't accept my quirk, and it's so painful to use it!" He yells, shaking in anger. "Hey, hey, come down, you need to calm down your emotions. Affect your quirk you're gonna burn." I panic "s- sorry... it's just... I get so mad at him... he says he doesn't want me to use my power, but then he tells me to use it anyway," "Hey, it's ok," I said, looking up at him with a smile

Touya's pov

I relax, and I take a deep breath. "Thank you... for being my friend." I say "Yeah friend.." he looks away.''I raise a Eyebrow.

666 Words

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