Chapter 2

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I look over at touya. He's sleeping, and I start to blush. What is this feeling? I'm so confused. It's like I have butterflies in my stomach. I'm so confused. I feel sick, but I also love it. I don't know what's going on. They say love is like butterflies in your stomach. But he's a boy, and I'm a boy, and that makes no sense. I have an idea. I'll use touyas as a phone. I don't have a phone, just a switch. But he has a phone that his dad gave him. And I know the password. I can look up what this feeling is. I get up out of bed and walk over to his bed there. It is on the night stand charging. I quietly unplug it and take it back over to my bed. Ok, what's the password again? Oh yeah, fuck-endeavor325, I quickly typed that into the phone. Ok, I'm in now gotta go to Google.
I type in the Google bar. What does love feel like?

Google: Passionate love feels like instant attraction with a bit of nervousness. It's the "feeling of butterflies in your stomach,"Lewandowski says. "It's an intense feeling of joy that can also feel a bit unsure because it feels so strong."

So I'm in love no I can't be because he's a guy, and i'm a guy. Can I? I'll search that, too, I type into the search bar. Can a guy love a guy?

Google: Can a straight guy fall in love with a guy? Short answer: Yes. Many men identify as straight but still experience romantic or sexual attractions to other men. For years, study 1, after study, has found this to be the case.

That makes no sense. Maybe I'll try different wording. I decided to search. I'm a boy, can I be in love with a boy

Google: Can a guy fall in love with a guy? Short answer: Yes. Many men experience romantic or sexual attractions to other men

So I can like him. Is it okay to like him? Fuck it I'm searching that, too Is it okay to like a boy as a boy? I decide to search.

Google: Is it normal to like boys as a boy? Yes. Whereas it might not be as common as other types of relationships, it is well within the boundaries of normal. You like who you like.

So I can like him. I wonder what it's called. I decided to search. What is it called when a boy likes a boy?

Google: Gay: The adjective is used to describe people who are emotionally, romantically, and/or physically attracted to people of the same gender (e.g., gay man, gay people).

Gay? I scratch my head. I'm gay. Is touya gay. How do I figure that out?
I mean, I could ask him. No, that would give away that. I like him, wouldn't it? I decided to resume this in the morning. I turn off his phone. Walk over and plug it back to my bed and go to sleep.

(523 Words)

I really hope no one reads my search history because it looks pretty weird right now😅

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