The Paperwork

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When Spencer came back he held a flash drive. He have it to Garcia and she plugged it into her computer. She went to get in when a password box showed up. "Spencer. The password." Garcia told him. Spencer got up and typed Asdf1234abc6457e10. Garcia looked at Spencer. "I got bored and had to keep it safe. I have different passwords for everything. On my phone I have a finger scan, pattern, and then password. Most of the stuff I have is intercepted with a password." Spencer told the team. Spencer stepped aside and let Garcia have her space because he did that with Garcia right under him. There was a knock on the door. "Guys. The board of directors wants you off this case. Get rid of what you have and move on to a different case." Strauss told them. She went into the conference room with the team. "Mr. Hotchner. I need you to find another man to replace Spencer. Jackson quit." Strauss said. Spencer came down from his spot and pickpocketed Strauss for her phone. Spencer got back up to his spot and stayed. Strauss left the room. They heard her walk down to her office. "Are you crazy? You took her phone." Emily yelled at Spencer. "Relax. I'll put it back. Garcia pull up her messages to see if there is an 863 245 7756. If there is she ordered the attack on the camp I was at." Spencer said. Garcia pulled up the messages. "Nope but there is something. It has the number in the message." Garcia told him as she pulled it up. The message said 'the number is 863 245 7756' . Spencer looked at Garcia. "Ok. Strauss won't let you guys work on this case. Hand me the flash drive. I will meet up with you in 20 minutes. I will take you to my place. Pretend to be working on a different case." Spencer said and crawled out the window. Derek shut the window after Spencer left. "We have to do what he says. He will be back. I trust him." Derek told them. Everyone nodded in agreement. The sat down and started playing cards. 2 minutes later they saw Spencer go back down the fire escape. He smiled at them and he jumped down.

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