Chapter 1: A misfortunate day

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*At Fujiwara academy*

??(F):*Looking something in her bag* Where is it...

Student 1(M): What are you looking for Kayo ?

Kayo: I couldn't find my camera...I'm pretty sure that it was here somewhere...

Student 1(M):...Kayo...*Whisper something*

Kayo: ?!

*At school garden*

Kayo:*Pick up her broken camera* No...*Hear it*

Boy trio:*Giggling and smirking*


*At class*


Boy 1: Oi parentless. What are you drawing ?

Boy 2: She's draw a manga !

Boy 3: Let us see ! *Grab it*

Kayo: Hey !

Boy 3:*Look at it* Tch. Boring *Rip it off and throw it away*


Boy 1: Look at her face !

Boy 2: Is she gonna cry ?

Boy 3: We should record it-*Being hit by a book* Ow ! Hey-*Saw it* ?!

???(F):*Look at them with a death glare*

Boy 3: Eek !

Boy 2: O-Oi ! Let's go now...

Boy 1: Agree....

*Then the bullies left and few students approaching Kayo*

Student 2(F): Are you okay Kayo ?

Student 3(M): Those boys has been bullying you For 3 months now

Student 4(M): And the fact that they call you parentless...that doesn't make sense at all. You have an adoptive mom and she was super nice !

Student 5(F): You should report this to teacher. I was worried that it will get worse overtime

Kayo:...It's not like I don't want to report see...those three's parents were influencer people. I was afraid that they will play victim and blame me instead

Student 1(M): Then proof is the important thing we should fine !


*After school. At Kanao Family House*

Mrs Kanao: Welcome back Kayo. Today I make your favourite food.


Mrs Kanao:*Realize it* Kayo...did you have any problems at school ?

Kayo: N-No...of course not's not a big deal...

Mrs Kanao:*Feel worried then hug her* There there...

Kayo:...*Hug back*...Thank you for being my mom...

Mrs Kanao:*Smile* Anything for my little let's eat. You must be starving...


*During night time. Kayo's bedroom*

Kayo:*Drawing*.....*Rip off the papers and throw it away*'s not good enough...*Started to tear up*....

"When will this stop ? When they will stop ?"


"How unfortunate how unfortunate...having a loving mother and classmates yet those bullies never stop harrasing you..."

Kayo: ?!...*Realize that the light went off*...What-


Kayo:....*Pick it up*....glitching...did it got hack ?

*At moment*

Fairy digimon:*Appear from the glitches* How unfortunate how unfortunate...

"Little unfortunate soul Kayo Kanao"

Kayo: ?!....How you know my name ?

Fairy digimon: I know everyone who has some misfortunate events...Kayo-san. I'm Wishmon. And I'm here to help you

"Would you like to become a holder of Digi-Magi ?"

*A two red option buttons appear*


Wishmon: Yes ? Or No ? Kayo-san...

"If you become one then your wish will be granted"

Kayo:...*Feel desperate then click the buttom 'yes'*

Wishmon: Congratulations. Your choice has been selected

"You shall receive your wish tomorrow"

*Afterwards, Wishmon dissapear and the light was back on*


*The next day*

Kayo:*Awake and stretch*....*Look at the table and saw it*

*Look at the table and saw it*

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Kayo:....*Pick it up*....Is this what she said...Digi-Magi ?...I wonder what it will do...*Sigh* I will figure out later. But now...time to face the day...*Get up and went out*


??(F):*Checking her phone until get a new notification*....

"Another thing to handle..."

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