Chapter 6: Wishmon

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*At unknown Digi World area where a mansion can be seen*

Few Wishmons:*Sit around the table as they were disscusing*

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Few Wishmons:*Sit around the table as they were disscusing*

Fairy Wishmon: Our spy has told us that Sirenmons has start their plan again

Ninja Wishmon: This is bad. Those poor people and digimons already being fooled with them...

Witch Wishmon: Indeed. Sirenmon's ability are capable of easily fooling others with their lies. So it was hard for the victims to believe other's truth instead of Sirenmon's lies

Old man Wishmon: Your grace, what should we do now ?

Leader Wishmon:....*Sigh* We have to warn those Digi-Magi Holder. Make sure they are safe...*Realize it* Where's Shikuro ?

Huntswoman Wishmon: He has something to deal with. So he will be late

Leader Wishmon: I see. Don't forget to tell those four about the Sirenmons

Huntswoman Wishmon: Alright

*Meanwhile at human world*

Puppet Wishmon:*Sitting at the rooftop of Lestari's Family mansion while moving some puppet*....*Hear a voice and look down*

Viso: What are you doing here ?! Picking a fight ?!

Indrex: You know that-

Viso: That is Wishmon. He and his kind were evil ! They are the caused of a battle that happen in Digi-City !

Indrex: What ?!

Puppet Wishmon:....*Get up before dissapear*

Indrex: Wait !

Viso: We have to tell others about this !

Indrex: Yes. Right away

*Meanwhile at city*

Puppet Wishmon:*On top of a building*....*Use his power to create a puppet that looking similar to Okagure*

*Back with them*

Puniko: I can't believe that a Wishmon is here !

Viso: I know. It's been awhile since we see them ever since they got banished from the digimon society-

Indrex:*Get a phone call then answer it* Hello ? Indrap ? What happen ?....What ?!

*At city*

Many people:*Gasp and horrified*

Okagure:*At the edge of the building while having no control of his body* Help !!!

Puppet Wishmon:*Use the puppet to move him* Dance puppet dance...

Okagure: Where's my digimon ?!

Puppet Wishmon:....*Twist the puppet's right arms*

Okagure:*Feel pain* Argh !

Puppet Wishmon:*Grab the doll and squeeze it tight*

Okagure:*Coughing with blood and groaning in pain*

Puppet Wishmon: Okagure. You and your digimons has causing a harm in both human and digimon world *Throw the doll down*

Okagure:*Fell* Ahhh !!!!

*At moment*

Birda:*As Birdramon while catching Okagure* There

Okagure: Huh ?!

*At ground*

Birda:*Put him down*

Yuzu: Good job Birda

Indrex:*Arrive* Are you okay ? me ?

Indrex: Leto found your digimon but they locked away at another location

Okagure:...*Realize it and look up* That digimon-*Feel pain* Argh

Indrap: Don't move much. We will handle this...

*With Puppet Wishmon*

Puppet Wishmon:...Tch...*Feel his shoulder being touch and quickly look behind him*

Huntswoman Wishmon: Playing again Shikuro ? You were late than usual so I supposed that I should look for you...

Shikuro:...*Sigh then point down*...Just look for yourself Rinda

Rinda:*Look down and saw it* Oh. What a ruckus

Shikuro: Yes there will be an attention but I never expected that it will be THIS bad

Rinda: Well then let's leave quick

"We aren't supposed to hurt Sirenmon's victims. They have been fooled afterall..."

*After that, the leave. At Wishmon's Mansion*

Leader Wishmon:*Doing some work*....

Agumon:*Put down a cup of tea*...Your grace, you should be resting right now. You have been working non-stop

Leader Wishmon:...*Sigh* 5 more minutes-

Rinda:*Arrive with Shikuro* We're back-*Saw it* Emerald. You overwork yourself again...


Rinda:*Angry* Go to sleep !

Emerald: Not now-

Rinda: NOW. Before...*Appearring a blanket and heading towards him*

Emerald: Wait-*Being bash* Gah !

Rinda: I will wrap you up and bring you to bed myself !

Emerald: Let me go ! I am not a kid !

Agumon: Oh no...they were arguing again...

Shikuro:....*Mumble quietly*...Like a married couple...

Agumon: Yeah...*Remember it* Oh yeah. Apparently, there's something going on. Apparently about the new Digi-Magi holder. But the thing is....

"She was able to get the Digi-Magi without being misfortunate..."

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