Chapter 17

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I came back home, only to find her standing outside my apartment

" I gave you my passcode sara, why are you outside"

"Abhi i already went inside, i have some other things i have to retrieve. I saw you coming so i stopped"

" Oh. do you need any help"

"Your hands are already full mister, you just go inside and keep all these in refrigerator, I'll be back in Five"


I entered my apartment and i found that she already completed decor... She is making my birthday special, every year its just me and Ayush partying in pub or else some parties for businessmen, i never felt all these are necessary but when she is doing all these, i can't say no to her and truthfully I'm loving all these, her company, talks, orders, cute little expressions, sassy replies, care everything about her. Even though the decor is simple, it is making feel special, no one ever made me feel special on my birthdays expect her in the past but now sara is making me feel special and i can't stop her from doing it.....

 Even though the decor is simple, it is making feel special, no one ever made me feel special on my birthdays expect her in the past but now sara is making me feel special and i can't stop her from doing it

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"Is it that beautiful abhi... you're too engrossed in it" she asked standing beside me with small suitcase with her

"Its good sara and you should have waited for me, i can help you"

"Abhi its your day, i can't you make you work and you're already helping me by cooking dinner, i won't let you do all these"

"hmm.. you won't back off right and did you get everything you need"

"Yes. lets start cooking Abhi, its already 6 P.M" she kept the suitcase to a side and started moving into kitchen...she is looking soo happy, like she is doing something she really wanted to, maybe because she is party girl.

I started cooking, while she gave me instructions on how to cook 

"Abhi, how can you do this?, aren't you too cruel" suddenly she shouted at me looking all disappointed, i don't know why but looking at her disappointed look i felt nervous, i don't want her to be disappointed by me.

"what happened sara?" I asked with nervousness

"See i bought you flowers but you left them aside, how can you do that to those beauties" she said pointing at flowers.

"i..." she stopped me from saying anything with her hand gesture

"Enough, you continue with dinner preparation, say me where are the vases, i will arrange these lovelies" she said picking the bouquet

" I don't have vases " i replied

"Shhhhhhhh.... then do you have whisky glasses" she asked and i nodded yes

" Then say where are they"

"In the bar room" i Said pointing to bar room, she went inside the theater room and brought the glasses in a tray

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