Chapter 1: Memories that we hold♡

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(Play the song from the beginning of the chapter)

*Calcutta, India 1975*

A boy steps out of railway station and turns towards the man behind him and asks, "Papa yeh hum kaha hai?"

{"Dad where are we?"}

The man was his father, he was a britisher though, he had black and grey hair and blue ocean eyes and he was also fluent in hindi and he could write it too..

His father said, "Hum 'CALCUUTA' main hain, tumhare maa ke paas aaye hai!"

{ "We are in CALCUTTA, we came to your mom" }

Then they began to take their belongings and walk from railway station and were passing by many cabs.
While they were walking they saw a cart which was passing by.

His father chuckled to himself, his son was confused and asked "Papa aap kyu has rahe ho?"

{"Dad why are u smiling?"}

His father didn't answer his question and instead he grabbed his arm and started running towards the cart he saw earlier, he stops and handovers the money to the old man and says something ( maybe address ) and they sat in the cart.

His father was very happy, the kid was still stunned and confused because he never saw his father this happy. He just ignored the thought and sat silently.

They sat and watched the beautiful sights and views of Calcutta.

Finally the cart came to hault and the boy jumped down and saw a house which looked like an abandoned , beautiful, small and old one.

*This is the house, and it looks small from outside but it is big from inside and I didn't find any dusty and old houses😅 And I liked it soo

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*This is the house, and it looks small from outside but it is big from inside and I didn't find any dusty and old houses😅 And I liked it soo..*
So pls manage with this!!

His son casually turned his head toward his father,tears were brimming in his father's eyes, His son Raghav saw how his father was controlling his tears.

he kid was so upset seeing his father like this.

His father held his arm and began to walk towards the house.
The house was so old and dusty and when they grew near the house they saw a name plate on door.

The house was so old and dusty and when they grew near the house they saw a name plate on door

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*This is the name plate attached to the door!! *

His father suddenly jerked raghav's hand away and he took out his handkerchief and started to clean it he also put some water on the cloth and started cleaning it.

His son was curious and he walked toward his father to see what it was and why was he in hurry?

He saw some words written on the plate that said 'Mr. & Mrs. Thomas'
The kid was shocked seeing his father's name on the plate and when he saw that 'Mrs.', he's mind drifted to his mother thinking about how she was and where she was?!

Obviously his father told him about his mother's beauty and her kindness but he never said how they met and got married.

He was happy when his father said that they came to his mother but instantly he became sad and upset because he didn't know where his mother was.

His heart just craved for his mother!

He shut his thoughts and glanced towards his father , his father was sad and was touching that name plate with emotion and love.
But he took his hand away from that plate and slid his fingers through his pocket and took out some sort of keys and he opened the door.

They both entered into the house and his kid was surprised and shocked at the same time because the house was so large and beautiful even it was covered in dust.

Then he began to wander in the house and he suddenly stopped infront of a painting which was covered in huge dust.

The person in the picture seemed so familiar to him.

'Who could that be?', he thought to himself.

Hello loves ❤
So here comes the first chapter!

Who could that person be in the painting ? Any guesses? and sorry for using the word 'DUST' so many times😅
I know it was annoying!!

And I'm also sorry if I made any mistakes!

Coz English is not my mother tongue.

And I hope you like it😊

Thank you for reading 📚

Stay tuned for the second chapter and do comment!


*730 words*

Puchkus to all of you💋💋


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