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“Dahlia!”The singsong voice of Echo behind her rang in her ears and Dahlia turned around to look at the short woman that was happily skipping in her direction

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The singsong voice of Echo behind her rang in her ears and Dahlia turned around to look at the short woman that was happily skipping in her direction.

“Echo… What is it?” Dahlia asked, her deeper, darker tone of voice a stark contrast to the smaller woman’s.

Echo giggled in her childish voice and then wrapped her slender arms around Dahlia’s waist, sinking her flushed face in the taller woman’s chest.

“Hum! You always smell so good!” The younger Witch chirped, smiling and nuzzling Dahlia’s chest a little too comfortably.

“Did you have anything to say to me? Or did you only want to sink your face in my boobs?” Dahlia ended up asking, suppressing a smile when the girl giggled one more time.

“Well, your boobs are nice! But I wanted to tell you something, too.” Echo piped happily, finally detaching her face from Dahlia’s bosom and loosening the hold of her arms to be able to speak “Lavinia has a new mission for you. But Amahlya wants to speak to you first, before you go meet the Head of the Council.”

“Did she say why?” Dahlia asked, frowning down at Echo.

“Not really, no. Amahlya seemed worried, though, she said something about her sister being in danger.”

Dahlia contemplated for a second. Amahlya's sister? Lucille was in danger? That was almost a good joke. Lucy wasn’t in danger, especially not with three fully trained Witches beside her. Right?

“Alright, I'll go see Amahlya now.”

“Do you think Mina is in danger?” Echo asked, her bottom lip drawing into a pout and a sad look flooding her pretty brown eyes.

“No, baby, I don’t think she is. Mina’s strong and Lucy wouldn’t let her get hurt, you know that. I'll go see what’s wrong.”

Dahlia left Echo behind to finally make her way through the halls of the building.

The manor where the Witch Council assembled was a little gloomy. Partly because it was indeed a very old manor, built hundreds of years ago, but also because by now not one single Witch could be bothered to lighten up the place. Not like they lived there, anyway. How Lavinia, the Headmisstress, was able to live there, Dahlia had no idea. The place was creepy as fuck.

Amahlya’s study was located on the opposite direction of Lavinia’s office. Probably because they couldn’t stand each other. Well, not probably, they definitely hated each other and did their best to not have to mingle. At all.

Dahlia knocked twice and waited for the soft answer from inside, after which she opened the door.

“Dahlia! Come in, I have to speak to you, it’s urgent.” Amahlya urged, raising from her desk and rushing towards the couches to sit down and wave the younger woman towards her “Have you spoken to Lavinia yet?”

“No, Echo told me to see you first.”

“Ah! Nice, I’ll have to reward her for that… Perhaps another plushie.” Amahlya mumbled, more to herself than Dahlia “Anyway, doesn’t matter. She has a mission for you, and this time it’s serious work.”

Dahlia scoffed and crossed her arms “What did she finally find some use for me?”

“I’m serious, she was mentioning about this one being your last.” Amahlya said, her tone becoming a little colder and serious.

“About damned time, if you ask me.”

“Dahlia, don’t say that!” Amahlya slapped the younger Witch on her arm, annoyed, before finally continuing “It’s about the Fallen One. It seems you’re going to be sent to Lucy’s location, because the Fallen One’s awakening happened near her.”

Dahlia frowned “Do you know why?”

“No, I can count by the fingers of one hand alone how many times I’ve spoken to Lucy in the last hundred years. But now, Lavinia, that stupid bitch, is coming up with the most ridiculous theories of how Lucy wants to take over the Council and how she was the one to awaken the Fallen One.”

This time Dahlia snorted loudly and didn’t contain her laughter.

“Lucy?!” Dahlia shouted, cackling some more over Amahlya’s very annoyed face “She fucking hates the Council, what would be the point?”

“My point exactly! Anyway, I want to ask something of you. Lucy won’t trust you, at all. You’ve been away for too long, and if you appear now, coming from the Council, there’s no way my sister will like it.”

“Yay.” Dahlia deadpanned.

“This is gonna help.” Amahlya reached for the back of her neck and unclasped the small necklace with the rose quartz pendant she always wore and then extended it to Dahlia “Give her this, she knows what it is. Lavinia wants the Fallen One dead, this time, and your job will be to make sure such thing happens.”

“And this is gonna help me not getting my head bitten off by Lucy?” Dahlia asked, studying the small rose pendant in her palm.

“Yes… Also, you’ll have to tell her something.” Amahlya grabbed Dahlia’s hand, her lovely grey eyes focusing on the other woman’s dark purple ones very seriously “When the Moon Goddess shines bright red in the night sky, the grey woman shall overthrow the lioness.”

Dahlia frowned over the message, a little confused at first. But then her brain assimilated the words and she was alarmed.

“Amahlya, are you nuts? Anyone from Lavinia’s close friends hears you, you’re dead- “

“I know, but this is really important. It’s crucial that you say this to Lucy. She will know what to do and that I’m doing my job.”

“You’re job?!” Dahlia got up from her place in alarm, looking around for a second and then lowering her voice to speak again “What on Earth are you thinking of doing, you crazy woman?!”

“Do you trust me?” Amahlya smiled.

“Then you don’t have to worry about me, I’ll be alright. Will you do as I asked?”

To Amahlya’s expecting grey eyes, Dahlia could only sigh and start to pace around, a strange lump of worry beginning to form in her gut. This was a very bad omen, right here. She laced her fingers through her tight curls, before finally huffing.

“If you get killed because of me- “

“I won’t. Lavinia is not that good.” Amahlya interrupted, the shape of a mean smirk drawing on her face “Now… Will you do it?”

Dahlia sighed, cold dread prickling the back of her head, before she finally huffed and said the words that were about to seal her fate.

“I will… This will come to bite me in the ass, but I will.”


The Coven: Book 1 | BTS ffWhere stories live. Discover now