Chapter 42

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She stabbed him 3 times and to her surprise he didn't even try to stop her. He was so dumbfounded and shocked by her sudden attack he couldn't move for second.

Suddenly they heard a weird noise of siren.

Reality hit him...!!

"Av...Avneet... you need to run... right now! Run... hide..." He could barely say anything. He collapsed on the floor. His vision started to get blurry. He felt as if his end was near.

'Knock knock'

Someone knocked the door once and then started to break it.

Avneet didn't understand what was happening all of the sudden! Knife fell of her hand.

It didn't took them long to break the door.

She saw few men with guns in thier hand. All pointing at her!

4 men ran towards Siddharth body and picked him up.

"Get him in den fast!! Doctor is already there." One man said. He was leading them.

"Take this girl." He said and two men grabbed her. She tries to fight back but no use.

She felt sudden pain in her head and she fainted. One of them hit vase on her head.


She felt stinging sensation on her head... she couldn't open her eyes. Her head hurt... she tried to touch her head but felt her hands tied somewhere with rope. She was sitting on hard ground she didn't know where. She opened her eyes... but couldn't see anything. Everything was just dark. She was trapped in some dark dungeon. Her mouth gagged. She couldn't scream for help but muffled through that cloth in her mouth.

An hour just passed and no one came. She was losing the energy, she felt dizzy, hungry, thirsty... she felt so weak. She couldn't move or scream anymore. She felt like she would pass away again any moment!

Where was she? Why did they keep her like this? Who were they? They should hand her to the police right!? There were so many questions in her mind. She didn't even knew how much time had passed since she was there trapped. She just hoped Her mom and brother were unharmed.

It was like 4th time she was kidnapped in last few days... 'fuck my life' she thought. She had lost hope. She Just wanted to die.

She sighed!

6 days passed just like that! She was just trapped in there. One man came with food and water just enough to keep her alive. When she refused to eat he literally shoved that disgusting porridge which tasted like shit in her mouth.

He removed her bondage.
He showed her the small washroom which was in that dark room only. Even washroom had no lights or window.

She screamed for help... tried to find a way... but there was none.

She was sleeping when suddenly she felt cold water splashed over her. She woke up with a jerk.

She wasn't even given time to adjust but was dragged somewhere. Avneet didn't have any strength left in her body to retaliate.

She could barely keep her eyes open as she was suddenly exposed to light after spending days in utmost darkness.

She didn't realise where the man dragged her... she didn't knew where she was... he almost threw her on someone's feet. She fell on her knees.

"Who do you work for?" He asked. It was Bhavesh.

She didn't answer... she didn't have any strength to.

She felt a stinging sensation on her back making her jump in pain. Someone had whipped her. Another hit was much harder than first one making her loose balance and she hugged the ground.

Bhavesh indicated the person to stop hitting her when he felt she wont be able to take it anymore.

He held her hand and made her sign on her knees again.

"See Avneet it will only get worse. Just tell me who do work for... who asked you to kill Siddharth! It's 'Dark horse' right? Tell me everything about him... and you get to live!" He said.

Avneet was so confused.

"I don't know anything... I don't what you are talking about. I killed Siddharth because he killed my dad and he was about to kill me brother." She said in as high voice as she could but it still came out as low whisper.

"Stop Lying! We know already it was your plan right? You work for Dark horse and you manipulated Siddharth... he kept protecting you and your family and you tried to kill him. I must say it was good plan! But you forgot he is the King... and we don't leave our mafia king unprotected like that." Bhavesh said.

Avneet couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"I really don't know what you are talking about... dark horse... mafia... I don't know about anything. I heard him on phone... he said he will kill my brother." Avneet said.

"So you won't speak... Avneet see, I liked you... You brought a caring side of Siddharth out. It felt like he was atleast trying to live... he had meals on time... he stopped hurting himself... But, I guess I was wrong. Avneet this won't end well. If you won't speak nicely... we have thousands of way to torture a woman! And trust me its better if you tell me everything... because people here are ruthless. It won't take me second to slit your throat." He said for the last time.

"Bhavesh I am telling the truth, I really don't know what are you talking about. I tried to kill him because he was threat to me and my family... he tortured me everyday and I couldn't take it anymore. And if you still don't believe me just go ahead and kill me... I don't want to live anyway." She said.

"Take her to torture room. Start with level 2... if she still isn't ready to talk till level 5... call me! I will take care of it." Bhavesh said to his man before walking off.

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