The Grail War

141 7 9

Malory Church
??? POV

In the heart of a shadowy and forgotten forest, nestled within the gnarled grasp of ancient trees, lies the Church of Malory. This eerie and decrepit place of worship is a chilling spectacle to behold, a building made for the worship of holy reeking of evil.

The church's façade is a haunting blend of Gothic and eldritch architecture. Its once-grand stone spires, still somehow inshape as if they have been constantly regarded and cleaned, stretch towards the sky like skeletal fingers clawing at the heavens. Despite this. The glass windows are as good as new, not a single crack found on the exterior of the glass windows.

The church is surrounded by a graveyard choked with overgrown tombstones, their inscriptions faded and obscured by the relentless passage of time. Mysterious symbols and runic circles are etched haphazardly into the ground, hinting at dark rituals long past. Statues of angelic figures that once guarded the entrance now stand cracked.

Stepping inside, however, one is greeted by an otherworldly chill that clings to the air. Despite the clean and good looking condition of the church from the outside, the inside is a direct contrast. The pews are draped in cobwebs, their wood warped and rotting. The altar, a morose centerpiece, is adorned with faded tapestries depicting scenes of suffering and despair. An eerie, ghostly light filters through the remaining shards of stained glass, casting eerie patterns on the worn, dusty floor.

Amidst all of this eerieness, amidst all of this devilish ritual stained church, stands a man.

The man has the form of a tall, lean young man with unkempt messy hair and deep black eyes. He wears a black shirt with a purple sash-like cloth on each side of his shoulder reaching all the way to his thighs. That along with his shirt is being tied tightly with a black rope to his waist. He also wears baggy black leggings and a pair of laced mid-calf boots. A badly hidden necklace with a cross attached to it can be seen hanging from his neck. He wields a strange and ominous staff, having the skull of a human attached to it at its top.

Competition... What is competition, and why can't humans survive without it? [???]

The man speaks to himself, his voice young and soft yet dried like a desert. Not a single soul is present in the vicinity, yet the man spoke forward without any bother for his surroundings. It's as if he is used to this eerie place filled with demonic presences, it's as if he is the cause of these presences.

Essentially, competition is a means for humans to show how good they are. Humans cannot survive without competition, without the need to show that they are better then their own. It has always been in the nature of humans, from the beginning to when Adam was thrown out of Eden, all the way to the modern world that is today. It is through competition that humanity shows it's worth, shows it's meaning, shows it's value. It is also through competition... That ultimately, one decides who gets something. Be it whether it is a good job, a good career, a good life, it is always through scoring in this competition that one prevails. [???]

His mouth, His face covered by an unbothered and bored expression, curls into a sinister smirk. Infront of him, a red circle seen in demonic rituals is colored on the ground.

It would be clear to anyone from an outsiders point of view, that this man right here, is one that shouldn't be approached no matter the circumstances.

It is precisely due to this competition that I stand here today, alive and well like any young youth as the vermin who abandoned rot in the pits of Hell. [???]

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