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As he stood in front of her office, the clock was ticking towards nine, and she still hadn't arrived. He anxiously awaited a glimpse of her, yearning to explain that he regretted his actions and that he shouldn't have gone to such lengths. But deep down, he believed he had done it for her own good. The truth was, he had ended things, and only he saw it as a necessary step.

The creak of her office door finally broke the silence, and she stepped into view. He quickly straightened up and approached her. Her expression soured at the sight of him waiting outside her office at this hour, but he couldn't let her walk away without talking to her.

"Miss Yn, please wait," he called after her.

Yn reluctantly turned around and glanced at Jungkook, her frown deepening.

Gulping nervously, he spoke, "Miss Yn, about that night, I'm sorry for losing my temper. I couldn't help it when I saw him almost choking you. I'm truly sorry."

The lines on Yn's brow softened as she heard his apology. She let out a deep sigh, crossed her arms, and said, "Mr. Jungkook, I also want to apologize. It was unprofessional of me to involve you in gathering information about Min Yoongi. My anger and grudge led me to take extreme measures, and I regret it. I'm sorry."

Jungkook shook his head, looking at her with earnest eyes. "No, Miss Yn, it's not your fault. I wanted to help you. Please don't blame yourself."

Yn closed her eyes briefly and said with a shaky voice, "Maybe if I hadn't exposed him that way, he wouldn't have... wouldn't have..."

Seeing her in this vulnerable state, he wanted to hug and reassure her that it was never her fault but his own. However, he couldn't bring himself to regret his actions. He had wanted to protect someone as amazing, beautiful, and intelligent as Yn, someone with a big heart who was responsible, reliable, and strong. He couldn't bear the thought of what might have happened if he hadn't intervened.

Before Jungkook could move closer to comfort her, Yn straightened her shoulders and added firmly, "Mr. Jungkook, you will definitely get your promotion. But from now on, we need to maintain our distance. Goodbye."

With that, she turned and walked away, her boots echoing down the corridor, leaving Jungkook feeling disappointed, heartbroken, and shattered. He knew he should feel guilty, but he couldn't regret what he had done.

As he pondered his next move, his thoughts were interrupted by footsteps approaching from behind. Turning around, he saw it was Jimin, Yn's new employee.

"Mr. Jungkook, what are you doing here at this hour?" Jimin asked, surprised to see him there when everyone else had left.

Gritting his teeth, Jungkook moved closer to Jimin and asked sharply, "What are you doing here?"

Jimin smiled coyly and replied, "Miss Yn gave me some work to do. I can't believe a woman like her exists. She's so beautiful and hardworking".

Jungkook's expression turned cold, and he stepped closer to Jimin. 'You like Miss Yn, don't you?' he said, his voice filled with seething anger.

Confusion etched across Jimin's face as he stammered, "Mr. Jungkook, is everything alright?"

Jungkook drew nearer to Jimin, who unwittingly retreated. With an unsettling intensity, Jungkook locked eyes with him and declared, "No, it most certainly is not."

In a sudden, violent motion, Jungkook shoved Jimin down the stairwell, and Jimin tumbled, the sickening thud of his head impacting the steps resounding in the corridor. Crimson blood began to pool around Jimin's prone form as Jungkook, with bloodshot eyes, stared down at the scene he had wrought, driven by a twisted obsession that defied comprehension.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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