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So how does this goes

Freshman year of college

Your friends have lives

Mary Jane got her big plans for the city

Harry Osborn it trying to pass

Liz Allen your ex girlfriend is a competitive persons

Flash is gone

But there are other here

But you still got another life to do

Become the Great hero

And more importantly

Balance the key part of being of having a perfect future

And yet more and more stupid things keep coming

And more and jokes he had to say to keep himself cheered up

And best of all bills

More and more bills

Water bill

Gas bill

Electric bill


Existing bill....no wait that's taxes

Peter stated his journey to life

Now he had to make the most of it

So let's start

Peter walked towards college and saw an ad with Mj face

Well he knew she would make it

But yet why did it hurt seeing her

Oh yea they broke up

Funny story he tired to keep together but having 2 lives and one that can help people and trying to keep people safe is hard now it's hurt a stick in the mud

But it doesn't matter

Now he had to focus on his class work

And everything else

Peter came home from the daily bugle with a check

Peter:here May let's see if this helps up

May:oh thank you Peter but I found a solution it could help just trying to see if it could start

Peter:well let's hope soon

May:now enough about me let's get you feed

Those months were hard but he manage to pull though and then he made it

Finished the first semester now he had to wait till next semester

But job had to be done

And it did hurt

Seeing Mj date a powerful and handsome guy for the magazine

Liz being honored in school and even ignoring Peter

Harry starting to work at oscorp but he got in a fight with Peter

How he took pictures of him

Peter told him his situation but it bothered Harry how Peter wasn't always there for him

How can you tell someone your spider man

The one of the best things happened

Peter got to take picture with daily bugles other competitors

He couldn't believe it

The daily planet

From metropolis

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