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Mary:you know New York is nicer these days figured

Peter:considering it almost fall yea it is

Mary:you know why don't i see your with your friends

Peter:well we went our separate ways and went to make our own lives

Mary:that's nice

Peter:what about you what family do you have

Mary:well I have a twin brother and some adoptive sibling

Peter:wow your parents must love kids

Mary:well they arnt my parent there is a foster home


Mary:but what about your aunt how long has she been your guardian

Peter:ever since I was a kid

Mary:what happened to your parents

Peter:it's been a long time they tied from a plane crash

Mary:well mines are alive but there not the best

Peter:what do you mean

Mary:there abusive

Peter:what happened

Mary:well I got adopted by a foster home then I meet some new brothers and sister

Peter:really that's amazing

Mary:you really think so

Peter:well I don't have any brothers or sisters kinda wish I had some then I won't be alone

Mary:why did they split up

Peter:well people want to do there own  thing some just leave I have one friend well kind off who just went to the army

Mary:well at least he know what he's doing

Peter:yea amazing

Mary:so what have you been up too

Peter:well other than studying working for a newspaper article and sometimes helping my aunt

Mary:she's so sweet

Peter:and you don't have to worry about food you get feed

Mary:best part

Peter:yes you even been around New York

Mary:kind off

Peter:you even seen the best part it


Peter:wanna see later some tonight

Mary:I would like that

During school

Peter was finishing classes when she saw a group with Mj

Mj was telling how she worked in a famous place

Then some left and Mj packed some things

Peter:you been busy

Mj looked at him and her smile disappeared

Peter:why do you act this way

Mj:you know well that happen

Peter:I don't

Mj:the fire

Peter:yea what about it

Mj:that was were I was working on my modeling gig


Mj:sorry?:..why didn't you stop it in time

Peter:I was busy

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