Chapter four: the lair

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After reading through a majority of his large stack of papers, Amandla stood up, her chair scraping loudly on the hardwood floor. The scraping caught Damion’s attention, causing him to follow her lead and standing up. 

“Ok kid,” she started walking over to a beautifully carved bookshelf, “since you wanna be my sidekick or whatever.” she placed her hand on her copy of Franenstien, “I gotta learn about those powers you got and YOU gotta train, with and without them.”

She pulled the book and the shelf rose from the ground and moved to the left, revealing a large metal door with a hand slot and a black marble like orb above it. She placed her right hand in the slot and moved to have her right eye in front of the orb. They both scanned, variffing it was her through the small scars on her hands, finger prints, retinal structure, cornea shape and all the other small identifiable things. 

the metal door opened to reveal another metal door that opened revealing an elevator like box. she stepped in and gestured for him to follow her. He then sped in not wanting to be left behind by his idol. she then pressed the numbered buttons in a very specific order. The doors closed and the two began a long descent down and then all sorts of other directions. 

The elevator then came to a stop and the doors opened revealing a large pristine hallway with multiple doors leading into somewhat smaller rooms. Amandala began walking down the hall while Damion began silently freaking out at being in his idol's secret lair but she didn't acknowledge him and his fan-boying.  she kept walking towards two large and familiar doors. 

Damion quickly jogged up and past her to eagerly open the doors but they didn't budge. He kept pushing until his powers slowly started to kick in but nothing made those doors move. she then came up to calm him, his rage and embarrassment slowly started to kick in. 

“Only I can push those doors, kid.” Amandala said, slight smirk on her face

With that being said she gave the two doors a mighty push, an eerie echo reverberating throughout the room, only to reveal nothing but darkness. She took a few steps into the room when the walls became illuminated. on the right wall were newspapers about her and her misdeeds and her spare suit parts. To the left were her old weapons, explosive daggers and rope darts and at the end of her weapons was stuff labeled ‘Prototipes’.

 And then a table came to life, a holographic grid map of the city, the lights highlighting news and articles about good ole Mayor Waltor Sneaksby. At the head of this large table was an old computer and large wooden chair and behind that chair was a semi large stand with her main suit, everything assembled.

“I can't have people messing with my stuff.” she mumbled while tapping at her computer

then M.A.R.V.1.N, Mechanical assistant in Radiation and Voltage, 1 of a kind, Never to be copied, her ai appeared, stataling Damion. M.A.R.V.1.N was a small blue box with big dark boxes for eyes and little pixels flying off of them.  

“Yes ma’am?” a prim and proper british voice echoed throughout the room

“bring out the data scanner and my training files.” she demanded while pulling out another chair for damion

as soon as the last word left her mouth an array of holographic files exploded from a light that was centered at the table.

“It isn't wise to start your old training regimens now, ma’am.” the ai started, “but we can work back up too that if you-,” the ai was cut off by the excited young adult

“¡AY, QUÉ LINDO!” he squealed, gently cupping the floating pixel, “I have never-” he was then cut off  by the irritated woman

“Can we not you two?” she asked, rubbing her face “but no the regimen isn't for me it's  for the kid. we gotta get a feel and a grasp on his powers.”she explained, she then leaned into Damion’s face, sadistic smirk on her face, “Hope your ready for pain kid.” 

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