Chapter 18: Dating advice

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Cut to the mall, Damion sat waiting in the same food court they first met, his anxiety at an all-time high. What if she doesn't show, or even worse, is she hurt on the way there? Damion began to panic but was snapped out of it when a hand was placed on his shoulder. 

He snapped his neck to 'see' who it was. This aura was a calming yellow with hints of gray, as if it were a fog of bananas, and the person it was attached to was tall and rail thin.

"Hey man, I saw you over here about to have an aneurysm. Are you good?" asked the stranger.

"NO, NO, NO," Damion squawked out, not wanting to make this kind of starger panic themselves. "It's just first date jitters, you know?"

The young man nodded. "No, I  understand; Iwas the same way when I met my boyfriend." He gestured behind him at a unit that sold hotdogs and hamburgers.

There, manning the grill, was another person. They had a large build and an aura that was a beautiful pink. It was a throbbing cloud of intensity, but it wasn't rage; it was full of pure focus. Damion watched in awe; he had never seen a relatively normal person move that fast over a grill.

The stranger let out a chuckle. Yeah, that's my boyfriend; he's really cool." He then stretched out his hand and said, "Names Phil. What's yours, Romeo?”

Damion wiped his hand on his pants before shaking Phil’s outstretched hand. “Damion, hey, quick question,” he mumbled out. “How do you get someone to, you know, fall for you?”

Phil crossed his arms in thought. "Well, for me, I was just myself; I'm funny and chill, so I guess try that."

And before Damion could ask another question, the pink arua man yelled, "Phil, I need help over here. I got a large order of dogs!!”

Phil let out a sigh while running a hand through his blonde hair. "I guess I'm needed elsewhere,” he patted Damion on the shoulder, “good luck on the date. Be there in a second, Raquavius."

And just like that, the mysterious mall man was gone. off to make burgers, leaving Damion alone with his thoughts. He was an okay-looking dude; he was somewhat funny. He had this date thing in the bag.

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