Chapter Twelve: Realm D1991

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            It was late in the evening and most of the drinkers in Gaston's tavern went home to sleep off their drunkenness. Alone and sitting at one corner of the tavern, Gaston and LeFou waited for Monsieur D'Arque, the owner of the village's local asylum, to strike a deal with him. Earlier that wintery evening, Maurice stormed in to warn the villagers about a monstrous "beast" that had Belle locked up in a castle. Of course, no one in the tavern believed a word of it and threw Maurice out on Gaston's word, but the incident did give Gaston an idea. He would use the "beast story" as a way of pressuring Belle into marrying him by threatening to throw her father into the asylum, hence why he needed D'Arque to show up at the tavern late that evening.

            The deal would be made with only Gaston, LeFou, and D'Arque present in the tavern, so that none of the other villagers would find out and possibly wreck Gaston's reputation as the town hero. The only thing Gaston would tell them was how Maurice was insane – something most everyone already knew from the time he spent secluded in his home, making inventions as wacky as himself – and needed to be committed. It was such a genius plan that Gaston and LeFou just had to celebrate it with a few rounds of beers as they waited for D'Arque to come.

            However, the two men waited for what seemed like an hour longer than what it needed to be. Beer mugs littered the table – most of them emptied by LeFou, who started to become drunk. "What is taking that old fool so long? He should've been here minutes ago," said an impatient Gaston, who glanced over at the cuckoo clock that hung on the wall near him and LeFou.

            "He'll be here, Gaston." LeFou assured through his slurred speech. "Don't worry about it."

            "I'm not worried, you fool." He angrily bonked LeFou on the head for the statement. "I just want to get this dealt with as soon as possible. The sooner we put our plan into action, the sooner I can have Belle as my wife."

            "You wanna have a wife, my friend. You'll have to try a lot harder than blackmail."

            Gaston and LeFou looked to the adjacent corner, finding a tall, slender mustachioed man with a top hat sitting at a table with his feet rested upon it. "Tavern's closed, stranger!" Gaston shouted. "Get out of here!"

            "You won't want me to leave so soon after you hear my proposition." The man remarked.

            "We already have a deal waiting with Monsieur D'Arque." Gaston said.

            A devilish grin crept across the man's face. "Monsieur D'Arque won't be joining us this evening...I personally made sure of that."

            Hearing this, Gaston grew suspicious of the visitor. "What...What do you want?"

            "It's not what I want, Gaston. It's about what you want."

            Gaston wondered how the stranger knew his name, but he reminded himself that he was Gaston after all – everyone in town knew his name. Then again, he had not seen this man in town ever before, which only intensified his suspicions. "You can get me Belle, stranger?"

            "The name's Doctor Facilier. And I can get you more than just one woman. I can get you everything beyond your wildest dreams."

            "I dunno. Gaston's dreams are pretty wild." LeFou said with a chuckle, only to be bonked again by Gaston.

            "I already have everything I want, stranger. The only thing that I desire is Belle. And if you can get her for me, then I'm willing to make whatever deals you see fit."

            Facilier smiled. "Y'all gonna love what I'm planning. First off, there's one important thing you should know – the old man, your woman's father, wasn't lying about the beast. It's real."

            LeFou immediately bellowed with drunken laughter. "Wow, Gaston! You really snatched another loon! This guy's as crazy as Maurice! Maybe we should have him thrown into the bin!"

            Gaston didn't find Facilier's claim as amusing as LeFou; he felt like he was being made a fool of, which did not sit well with him. Getting up from the table, he rushed himself over to Facilier's table and grabbed the bizarrely-dressed man by the collar. He yanked the schemer close to his face with one fist raised high, readied to strike. "You're going to tell me what you did with D'Arque, or I'll..."

            Gaston stopped as soon as he felt the floor beneath him quake; he heard bottles at the bar cling together and tables with wobbly legs rattle. He could also hear LeFou start to take rapid breathes induced with panic. Looking to him, Gaston could see his eyes widening with fear as he looked to something that was away from him and Facilier. Gaston followed his gaze and suddenly spotted the subject of LeFou's panic. Standing well over seven feet tall and shadowing both Gaston and Facilier was a hulking green man. He was shirtless, exposing muscles that were far greater in mass than Gaston's, and he was shoeless, revealing his massive feet. The only article of clothing he bore was a pair of beige pants that barely fit his large form, ripped at the knees and waistline.

            Gaston looked upon the towering green behemoth with his mouth gaping open and eyes that were flooded with as much fear as LeFou. He was in such shock that he barely heard Facilier tell him, "If ya know what's good for ya, you'll listen to what I have to say, Monsieur Gaston. Otherwise, my 'friend' and I will turn your dreams into nightmares. Understand?"

            Slowly, Gaston nodded.

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