The White Tiger Calls me Mahal

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I stayed the whole day with them. At first, I tried to keep to myself, but Emma kept having things to do and I eventually had to do more than hide behind my best friend.


I had a lot of fun with them, even though I was really tired. I enjoyed being around them and getting to know their personalities but it did get a bit overwhelming sometimes. When I squeaked out of surprise when Baji jumped up calling Mikey a dumbass out of nowhere after finishing a sweet talk with Mitsuya, Kazutora and Chifuyu scolded him for spooking me, but I made sure to tell them I was fine. "It's okay! I'm just not used to being around so many..."

I felt so embarrassed and ashamed at the same time for admitting I had never been around more than a few guys at a time and they were either family or coworkers. "It's fine, Mahal." I looked up at the white-haired man...Izana and smiled before tilting my head in confusion.

That word feels familiar somehow...

"What does that word mean?" His face bloomed multiple shades of red but smiled as he shook his head without answering. As he turned to walk away, I reached out and tugged on his sleeve to get his attention. I shoved down my anxiety as he stared at me with surprise. "You can trust me. No matter what, I won't look down on you. So...just stay. Okay?"

I noticed his eye twitch and quickly pulled away, thinking I had done something wrong to offend him.

Izana's POV

Ever since she got here, there's something about her that feels....good. Like somehow being around her feels like something I've missed even though I know we've never met. I don't believe in love at first sight but blurted out Mahal without a second thought and it sounds right somehow. What is wrong with me?!?!

Even still she is standing in front of me thinking I didn't like being touched by her....which means she cares about whether or not I'm uncomfortable...but it doesn't feel like pity...

He smiled softly at her. "It means 'Love'." He would've been prepared for anything except...

Her bright smile. A picture in his mind suddenly appeared and disappeared of a seeing her in some old photograph.

"I'll stay." His words felt like a long-lost promise, but he meant it. He rolled his eyes when he felt a cold stare coming from behind him and turned to make eye contact with Mikey. He already knew Mikey well enough to know he was mad but he found it interesting that he was mad about a girl they'd all just met except for Emma and Draken.

He laughed and turned back to Y/n, who was staring at them with doe eyes at how tense the air suddenly became, looking between the two of them with concern. He came closer to her and saw her tense up a bit but relaxed when he smiled down at her. "It's very nice to meet you, Y/n."

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