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The family began to unpack their belongings after they had their family meetings. Na ' terlani and Tuk put their mats next to each other in a nice dim corner of the hut. Jake and Neytiri were in the corner next to them while the other three were in the corners infront of them. Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Kiri waved bye to their parents while Tuk and Lani gave them a tight hug before following their older siblings out to the warm, welcoming beach for their lesson.

"Welcome to your first lesson!", Tsireya walked up to us with clasp hands and a warm smile which Tuk and Na' terlani returned, bouncing with excitement for the lesson. "We are just gonna swim around, see how you do and we can move on from there, ok?". The Sully siblings nodded as they watched the Metkayina kids run and gracefully dive into the turquoise waters.

The Sully kids had followed in, the elder ones faster than the younger. Na'terlani took Tuk's hand as the jogged to the water, making sure she whispered to Tuk, "Lets go! We dont wanna fall behind!". The two laughed before jumping in after their siblings, each Sully making a splash when they contact with the water. The forest Na'vi eyed they ocean in awe, fish of every kind swam peacefully around the bright and colorful coral. Plants swayed in the soft, gently currents.

Noticing the Metkayina kids swimming away from them they all went to follow, of course to the best of their ability. Na' terlani swam next to Tuk, incase something happened and she needed to be there. 'They are so fast, no fair'. Lani's eyes narrowed in determination to catch up, but of course she had failed. Tsireya had sent them all a warm smile again and just when they were going to return the favor, they began heading up to the surface, Lani's puffed cheeks deflated as she let out air and swam to the top, her lungs starting to hurt. Her siblings joined in at the same time.


Me and my siblings all took deep breaths, after getting enough air we put our heads back down into the water. Miss Reya was signing something to us, none of us understood what she was saying. Noticing that we didn't understand she gestured us to follow. 'OHHHH so thats what she was saying'. I smiled before swimming under and going next to TukTuk, we both touched a beautiful gold and white fish with three eyes that past by us and giggled when it did, bubbles blocking our vision for a second.

We swam back up after that, immediately needing air. A few seconds later the others followed too, leading for Miss Reya, her stupid brother and his fluffy haired friend to follow. I would take deep breathes along with TukTuk.

"Your too fast, wait for us!"

TukTuk complains to the siblings and the friend with a pout. Reya swam over and pat our heads with a smile, "Just breathe you guys. Breathe.". We all look at her dumbfounded when she said that, we can't breathe underwater, we could choke. Miss Reya's brother started talking, his voice in a mocking tone, "Your not good divers, maybe good at swinging through trees but-".

𝐓𝐇𝐄 "𝐌𝐔𝐓𝐄" 𝐒𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘 ------➤ 𝐴𝑇𝑊𝑂𝑊 𝑋 𝑂𝐶Where stories live. Discover now