The Concert

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This part is a couple days after Deku had been hanging out with his friends.

Deku's POV:


Today, we had our first math test, that I had been there to take at least. I had caught up to the rest of the students a lot faster than everyone thought.

Now I'm one of the smartest kids in the class. Me and Ava being tied for the smartest in all of our classes.

Me and Ava have all of our classes together, and I'm closer to her than I am with any of my new friends. I've told her that me and Kacchan are dating, but I haven't told any of my other friends. They all know that I'm gay, though.

Soon after moving to America and meeting all of my new friends, I learned that all of them either played an instrument really well, of they were really good singers.

We all soon decided, that whenever we graduated in a few weeks, we would start our own little band. Me and Ava being the lead singers, Tyler on the guitar, Miles at the drums, and Ruby being the backup singer.

The exams are in a few weeks, and everyone seems really stressed, even me and Ava.

For everyday until the exams, me and my friend group will be going to the library to study.

Miles is extremely worried, because he doubts himself sometimes, and he considers himself stupid. I've told him multiple times that he is extremely smart, he just has to stop doubting himself.


Exam day


Today, everyone was so stressed. I knew that we would do just fine on our exams.....

And we did.

We all passed the exams.

That means no more middle school.

When we enter school after summer break, we will be freshmen in high school.


Summer break


We did end up starting or own little band.
We started out pretty small, but we soon became extremely popular, all through America.

We were so famous, that by the beginning of July, almost the entire world knew our songs.

That included Japan.
Kacchan lives in Japan.
And he knew all of Deku's songs by heart.

They had named their band, The Misfits.

They also had a YouTube channel, where they would post videos saying when their next concerts were, and they would also have a lot of livestreams.


Bakugou's POV:


It's our break time, and you would think that all of these damn extras would be quiet for once.


They are never quiet.

Especially not on days like today. Today Deku's band posted a video saying that they would be coming to Japan for a concert.

When Raccoon Eyes (Mina) came and told me this, I just told her to fuck off and mind her own damn business, but truly, on the inside I was jumping with joy.

The concert would be next Saturday, and tickets would be going free to class 1A. nobody knew why, except for me of course.

I had texted Deku telling him that I was in class 1A, and he said that whenever he had concerts in Japan, he would give all of the class free tickets.

I imminently knew that I was gonna go to the concert, but when people from the class asked if I wanted to go with them, I just told them that I was already going. Then of course, they asked why I was going, and I just told them to fuck off.


The day of the concert


I dressed in the perfect clothes to go to Deku's concert in, black jeans, a green shirt with their band name on it, and a green hoodie.

When I got there I almost got run over by the extras in my class rushing in, befor shitty hair (Kirishima) and dunce face (Denki) noticed me. Then they just dragged me to the front of the crowd.


3rd person POV:


Class 1A was standing right in the front, so it was easy for Deku to spot them.

Deku started off with one of their most popular songs.

Then about halfway through, he stopped and said, "Everyone, please be as quiet as possible. I have a very special song to sing. If you know this song, then please sing with me."

(The video has the song)
(The first voice is Tyler, then Miles joins in, then Ava, then Ruby, then Deku joins, and then Bakugou being louder then everyone else.)

(Credits to It'sSam for the amazing vid.)

Then, after the song is over, the rest of 1A is looking at Bakugou in shock as tears roll down his cheeks and he is smiling, and Deku comes running off of the stage strait towards Bakugou. And when Deku reaches Bakugou, he gives Bakugou a giant hug, and then whispers into his ear, "Is your voice still good enough to sing?" Bakugou responds with a nod. "Do you still remember all of or dances?" Deku asked in a whisper. "Of course." Bakugou responded also whispering.

Then Bakugou follows Deku back onto the stage, to perform with him.


814 words.

Sorry for and mistakes.

Keep an eye out for the next part!😊😊😊😊

~Until next time....

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