Part 4

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After dinner, the apartment was left in a peaceful quietude. August's mother and brother had departed, leaving just us, Jackie and the guards who were stationed at the front door, their vigilant eyes scanning the surroundings. We found ourselves in the living room, the plush couch hugging our forms as we sat on opposite ends. The television, the only source of noise, was playing some animated cartoons and their bright colours reflected off August's intense gaze as she focused on her phone.

She was in deep thought, her fingers hovering over the screen as she tried to formulate the perfect words for a Twitter post. It was a task assigned by Phyllis, and so far, nothing seemed to meet her high standards. August's frustration was palpable. Her brows furrowed and her lips pursed in concentration as she focused on the seemingly unattainable task.

Finally, she let out a disgruntled sigh. "I'm just going to post it and whatever is whatever," she muttered, her fingers tapping hastily on the screen before she tossed the phone away as if it were the source of her irritation.

Curiosity piqued, I picked up my own phone, my thumb sliding over the notification alert. The Twitter app sprung open, directing me to her recent post. The post was already gaining traction, with hundreds of retweets and reactions. My heart pounded in my chest as my eyes skimmed over the words she had chosen.

"I've always found the rainbow to be my favourite colour palette," it read, followed by a quote, "Some of us just like girls like boys do...nothing new🌈"

The numbers on the screen seemed to be in a race, increasing rapidly. Within minutes, the post had garnered 1.3k replies and 41.5k likes; the numbers continuing to rise. The comment section was a flurry of activity, filled with gifs of shocked reactions, rainbows, unicorns, and the vibrant colours of the LGBTQ flag. Among the sea of comments, a few familiar names stood out - her close friends showing their support and love.

Congratulations on embracing your authentic self! 

We stan a gay August! Congrats!

Yay! Skittles everywhere! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Do you realise how monumental this is? So proud of you! ❤️

The reactions to the situation were mostly positive, but I couldn't shake the feeling that the negatives were just waiting in the wings, ready to make their grand entrance. As I was about to express this sentiment, I was interrupted by the insistent ring of her phone. She glanced at the caller ID, her face contorting into a frown, but she answered it nonetheless. "Hey, AJ. What's up?" she said, her tone casual yet guarded.

Who was this AJ?

"No. It wasn't a mistake," she continued, her voice laced with a hint of amusement. She absentmindedly picked at the edge of the cushion in her lap, her gaze distant. "I deliberately posted it....she knows.... thank you....That part I can not comment on yet but I'll let you know as soon as it isn't so too. Goodnight!"

She ended the call and was about to resume our conversation when her phone rang again. With a sigh of exasperation, she switched off the device and turned back to me. Just as I was about to speak, my own phone began to ring. I glanced at the caller ID but the number displayed was unfamiliar. As I squinted at the screen in confusion, August lunged forward to have a look. She gasped, her eyes wide with fear. "Don't answer that."

"Who is it?" I asked, my confusion deepening.

"Phyllis. And if you value your life, and mine, don't answer that. Mike!!!" she shouted, her voice echoing around the room.

A moment later, Mike appeared, standing near the staircase. "Ms Skye—Mrs Skye."

"Lock the doors. I shall not be accepting any visitors tonight or before 10 am tomorrow. If anyone comes, send them home," August instructed, her tone firm.

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