Chapter 3: Helpers

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A/N: "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." ― Fred Rogers

"Asane Kaiko," the healer wasted no time to introduce as they plopped down in a stool in front of Katsuki, giving him a once over. "They/them/theirs. I haven't seen you here before. Just a spectator until now?"

"Bakugou Katsuki, or I guess Pitbull in the ring." He glanced around at the various tired, beaten bodies in the cots and figured most were unconscious or already knew who he was. It also didn't help with Ochako's very public and obvious display during the fight, either. He also didn't come in disguise, really. So, he tacked on, "Dynamight if you see me in uniform," for good measure. "He/him/his. First night for everything here."

Asane left out a low whistle and looked Katsuki over again, more appreciative this time, but took his hero persona reveal in stride. "Just jump right in, why don't you?" Katsuki gave Asane a red-tinted smile. "Well, who'd you fight? What's the damage?"

"Ura—Uh, Jupiter," Katsuki corrected, glancing over at Ochako.

Asane hummed and glanced over in Izuku's direction, doing a double take at the bruises across his face, too, and to Hitoshi hovering ominously behind him. "Yeah... I need a raise."

"You just got a raise!" Izuku protested immediately.

"I deserve another one!" Asane hissed back.

"I know for a fact that you get paid more here than anywhere else you work," Izuku countered.

"There's a reason for that. Have you seen the people I deal with here?" Asane retorted, waving his hand vaguely in the direction of Katsuki and Ochako on the cot in front of him, and then just in general around the room.

"You just gestured to everybody!" Hitoshi argued, leaning back against the doorframe.

"I'll show you a gesture, Cadaver," Asane snarled before flipping him off.

"Maybe later," Hitoshi drawled with a wink.

Izuku hummed, lost in his thoughts, bringing a hand to his chin as he muttered to himself, eyes squinting at the ceiling before he suddenly perked up, nodding enthusiastically.

"Sure, fine. I'll see what I can do!" Izuku promised with a one-shouldered shrug.

Some things never change.

Asane glanced between Izuku and Hitoshi and hesitated. "Uh... the sex or the raise?"

Izuku opened his mouth to respond, paused, and then smirked. "Guess you'll have to wait and see." And the look he sent to Asane was absolutely smoldering.

Some things never change.

Oh, but some things did.

"Oi, Deku," Katsuki called. "The fuck are you doing here?"

"Uh, getting healed, Kacchan. Same as you," Izuku answered.

"You little shit," Katsuki sneered, and would have been halfway across the room to him if Asane wasn't already taking their time to poke and prod their way around Katsuki's injuries.

"Kacchan? That's cute! And Deku?" Ochako repeated under her breath, fingers tapping against her lip in thought. "Like dekiru? Oh, that suits you so well!"

"Like dekunobou," Hitoshi interjected to correct. "You must have gone to middle school together," he said, narrowing his eyes on Katsuki, glowering from his place in the doorway.

Ochako sucked in a breath through her teeth. "Shit. You're right. I forgot about that!" She frowned then, as she turned to really study Katsuki. "You were one of the ones who used that name to bully Izuku?"

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