Chapter 5: Fight

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"I'm just saying, Dynamight," Fugue's voice argued harshly under his breath in Izuku's living room, "that when we're doing an undercover mission, the goal is to, you know, not break the cover!"

Izuku was impressed with the heavy layering of sarcasm. This was probably the best team up for the job, and here they were, blowing their cover to help him out.

"And just because you found some long-lost mediocre fuck buddy–"

"Hey!" Katsuki interjected. "I'll have you know that Deku is a fantastic fuck buddy! Leagues above mediocre! What do you take me for? To settle for mediocre?!"

"Uh, hi," Izuku said as he entered the living room with a tray of drinks and snacks, trying his best to be a good host for the guy he knocked unconscious who was unknowingly an undercover hero.

"Oh, fuck," Fugue said. "You're Viper."

"And you're Fugue," Izuku said, setting the tray down in front of Fugue and motioning for him to help himself.

Katsuki tsked. "This is Misty."

"Haze," Fugue introduced himself by his hero alias, not missing a beat, rolling his eyes.

"This is Midoriya Izuku. He's one of the stakeholders at the Pit."

Haze sucked in a breath through his teeth and whipped around to look at Katsuki. "A stakeholder?! We're revealing our position to a stakeholder?! I need to talk to you, Dynamight."

"Is it about the kill-fight?" Katsuki asked, looking down at the phone in his hand, displaying all the missed calls and the text messages displaying an urgency to get into contact.

Haze looked taken aback, then he looked between Katsuki and Izuku with a new kind of perspective. "He told you?"

"How did you know?" Izuku asked. "Is it your quirk? Does your quirk have anything to do with how fluffy your hair looks?" Izuku opened his mouth, probably to spout off about a dozen more questions about Haze's quirk before the first two were even answered before he thought better of it, forcing his own jaw shut with a click and making himself wait, practically bouncing on his toes in anticipation of getting some answers.

Haze hesitated, mistrustful eyes looking Izuku over.

"You can trust him," Katsuki said. "Nerd barely lasted half an hour before he told me about the kill-fight, and that's only because he wanted to make sure he wouldn't be overheard or it would've been sooner."

"My quirk is called Fog," Haze said, giving in. "I can fill an area with it and it's still connected to me. I can use it in pretty basic ways, like to impede vision or to stick to dust to make breathing easier, but if I concentrate, I can fill a room with it and use it to read lips and motions to have a vague picture of what's going on or, if circumstances are near perfect, pick up the vibrations in the air and eavesdrop on conversations."

"That's very cool," Izuku said, and Katsuki knew he was dying to ask questions and write all this down but didn't want to make Haze suspicious of him.

Haze sighed, sensing that Izuku was holding himself back. "My hair's texture and color, and the rest of my looks: My small stature, my pale skin, and the colors I choose to wear, all help to camouflage me in the fog I create so I can move around without being detected."

"That's a very interesting quirk! I've bet you've already done so much with it!" Izuku beamed at the information and decided to offer some information in exchange. "I'm the stakeholder in charge of overseeing the health and safety of the fighters, mostly, but they pull me for a lot of other side projects here and there."

"Have they mentioned anything about Eraserhead?" Katsuki asked as Haze growled at him for breaching the subject.

"Igamo and I have been working on that together," Izuku answered. "You heard, right?" Izuku asked Haze directly. "We're just kind of waiting to see if he's going to do anything. Otherwise, we're just sitting back and letting him keep doing what he's been doing. Is he with you guys? Are there others?"

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