Chapter 2

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(Carli's POV)
I sat in the back of the cop car as they were talking outside. Olivia gave a side glance at me.
Oh no. What did I do?
They all clambered into the car. Olivia got in the driver seat, Amanda in the passenger, and Sonny in the back next to me.
I'm not going to lie. This Sonny guy is actually pretty cute and his New York accent isn't half bad either. I've always had a soft spot for men with accents.
I was staring out the window as we drove to the hospital. Olivia and Amanda were deep in conversation about someone named Amaro or something like that.
Sonny leaned over and started talking to me, trying to get information out of me.
"Hey...can you tell me what happened? I know something is up." he said sweetly.
"I already told you. I fell getting out of the shower!" I shouted a little.
"Hey! Hey! Calm down. It's okay." he said and he held my hand to comfort me.
Electricity shot through my hand and up my arm. When he touched me I felt as though the world around us wasn't there. I pulled my hand away but he grabbed it again.
"I know it's something more than what you say it is. Trust me." he said soothingly.
"I-I-.." I began.
"What?" he asked politely.
"I don't want to talk about it. I think it's best I keep my mouth shut. Or else he'll kill me." I blurted out.
I felt beyond stupid. Amanda and Olivia were now in the conversation.
"Who's going to kill you?" Olivia asked concerned.
"Wha-no one. I shouldn't have said anything!" I said as we pulled up to the hospital.
I jumped out of the car faster than the speed of light and I raced away down the block, away from the hospital. Someone came running up behind me. They touched my shoulders and I screamed as loud as possible and dropped to the ground. My eyes were shut tight and I didn't bare to open them. I was screaming so high pitched.
"Don't touch me! Please don't hurt me!" I yelled.
"Carli! CARLI! Calm down! It's okay! It's alright! It's just me, Sonny!" he said pushing the hair away from my face.
His voice was soothing to me. I opened my eyes and looked into his. He looked worried...he looked....scared.
He pulled me to my feet and pulled me into a hug. I felt in a way I never felt before. Him hugging me was like pure greatness.
I'm in love with Sonny.
"'s okay. Come on...let's get you to the hospital and make sure your head is okay." he said and he ushered me to the emergency room and Olivia & Amanda were right behind us.
I was limping because of my ankle.
We walked up to the reception desk.
"Uh hi. Detective Sonny Carisi, NYPD, I have a woman here who has been assaulted." he exclaimed to the receptionist.
"I wasn't assaulted!" I yelled and I began to cry.
Olivia took my the arm lightly and pulled me over to the side and hugged me. I was in full blown tears now unable to breathe.
"'s okay. I get it. I understand how hard it is to disclose about being assaulted. But you need to know that you shouldn't feel ashamed. What he did to you wasn't your fault. I promise you that we will put him behind bars. All you have to do, is give us your statement." she said to me and patted my back a little.
I never wanted to let go of her. She's like an angel sent from heaven.
She was speaking but I was zoning out thinking about how amazing she was and how she understood me.
"I'm sorry...what?" I asked snapping back into reality.
"I said, can you do that for me? Can you give us your statement so we can find him and arrest him?" she asked looking into my eyes.
"I-I don't's's pretty..." I began.
"Traumatizing. I know I've been down that road. More than once." she said and her voice cracked.
"I guess I'll do it...if it'll get him arrested." I said.
"You're going to have to take a rape kit. To collect any evidence from the crime." she said in a low voice.
I nodded and we walked back over to the reception desk.
"What's your name?" the receptionist asked.
"Carli Shelton." I stated.
"Birthdate?" she asked.
"2-14-1991" I said and gave a small giggle.
"Ahhh. Valentine's baby I see." she said.
"Well alright Ms. Shelton if you would follow me that would be great." she said as she rose from the chair and grabbed a clip board.
I followed her down a long corridor to a room that had stirrups on the bed. I was totally not ready to test this rape exam.
Sonny, Amanda, and Olivia were in the room with me.
"The doctor will be right in." she said and walked out closing the door behind her.
Olivia sighed a little and looked deep into my eyes. It was as if she were trying to summon the answers out of me.
" Why don't you start off by telling us when and where this happened." she said.
I hesitated for a moment then conjured my courage.
" happened uh...about 4 hours ago. In-in my apartment." I said.
"In your apartment?" Olivia's eyes got real big.
"We didn't see any signs of assault." she said.
"That's uh...because it happened in my room." I said stuttering a little.
"Okay. That's now an official crime scene. Hey, Sonny. Go call CSU and have them go to her apartment." she said looking at Sonny.
"Yes, Serge." he said and walked out.
I didn't want him to leave. I wanted him to stay in the room and comfort me again.
"Can you tell us what happened, Carli?" Amanda asked sincerely.
"Well....I had just gotten home from work and I was sitting on the couch when he knocked on my door. I opened it and he shoved me inside. He took me to my room and threw me on my bed. I got up to run and he smashed my lamp over my head and I fell to the ground. He picked me up and tied me to the bed-frame. I struggled to get free but..." I started to cry.
"It's okay...take your time." Olivia said sincere.
"He ripped my clothes off and he...he r-ra-..." I wasn't able to breathe normally.
"He raped you." Amanda said finishing the sentence.
I nodded my head as tears streamed down my face. It was like a never ending river of saltiness.
"Do you know the man who did this to you?" Olivia asked.
I didn't want to answer the question. The answer was terrifying.
"Y-yes." I stammered.
"Could you tell us who it was?" Amanda asked getting closer.
"It was-it was my sister's ex boyfriend. Chuck Wiley." I said and I was shaking with fear.
"Thank you so much, Carli. We will go arrest him as soon as you take the test and we make sure you're okay." Olivia said sweetly.
"Thank you so much, Sergeant Benson." I said looking into her eyes with thankfulness.
"Oh, please. Call me Olivia." she said smiling.
The doctor came in to take the test and he also had stitches to stitch up my head.
"Hello, Miss Shelton." she said as she cleaned the blood from my head and disinfected it with alcohol wipes.
"Hi." I said shyly.
She stitched up the gash on my head which was actually quite painful. I even said ouch a few times.
"Okay...let's start the kit." she said.
4 to 6 hours later the test was complete. They had collected all the evidence they need to charge Chuck. I'm glad I took the test. If I hadn't, they wouldn't have anything to charge him with.
My head felt a little better. But I didn't know where I was going to stay tonight since my apartment was now a crime scene.
Sonny, Olivia, and Amanda came back in to greet me.
"Hey, how you feeling?" Sonny asked in a sweet voice.
"Terrible." I said and I laughed.
"That's what I like to see. A beautiful smile on a beautiful woman." he said smiling at me.
My heart grew ten sizes bigger. I was truly in love with Sonny. A man I had just met. How is that even possible? I don't even know him!
Olivia and Amanda both got calls on their cell phones and had to leave the room.
"So uh....where-where am I going to stay tonight?" I asked worried.
"I can't go back to my apartment and I don't have enough money for a hotel." I said.
" could stay at my apartment...if you want." he said.
"Oh, no I couldn't do that. I don't want to be a burden." I said being polite.
"No, no. You won't be a burden I'll let you sleep in the bed and I'll take the couch." he stated and I fell in love with him even more.
"Well..okay." I said taking the offer.
"Okay." he said smiling.
Olivia and Amanda said they had to run off and do some stuff back at my apartment. I guess CSU had called them.
Sonny took me outside the hospital after I was discharged.
"I don't live far from here. We could walk and get to know each other a little better." he said putting his arm on my shoulders.
I cringed a little because I'm still in shock from the attack.
"So uh...tell me about you." he said.
"Uh..well. I was born in Philadelphia and I was raised here in the city. In middle school and high school I was a bit of a nerd. Always had A's on my report card, made the honor roll every year. You know, one of the smart kids. I also played a bit of sports." I said starting to open up my life to Sonny.
"Really? What sports?" he asked curiously.
"I did cheerleading, track, and softball. I tried to play basketball when I was in 5th grade but I sucked worse than bear trying to play basketball." We both laughed and Sonny put his arm around me.
I relaxed and we finally got to his apartment.
He opens the door and said "Welcome to 'Casa de Carisi'" I laughed.
We walked inside and his apartment was huge. He had a flat screen TV and a recliner along with a matching sofa.
"Whoa! This place is cool! There's no way you live here." I said looking at him smirking.
"Well I do live here and I have now for 4 years." he said matter-of-factly.
I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Well uh...the bathroom is down that hallway, first door on the left. The bedroom is the last door on the right. I'll take the couch." he said showing me around.
"Thank you, Sonny. I'm so grateful." I said and I meant every word of it.
" problem. I'll be out here if you need me." he spoke as though he were so tired he could fall asleep anywhere.
I headed down to the bathroom and jumped in the shower.
(Sonny's POV)
This woman is absolutely amazing. She's beautiful, funny, and she's so strong. She's one of the bravest women I've ever met in my entire life. I'm really falling for her. I know I shouldn't because she's a victim but...I can't help it. You can't help who you fall for. It's God's will. He chooses everything and everyone for you.
I can't stop thinking about her. Just the way she looks at me and smiles. I think she may have a thing for me too. I don't know. Am I losing my mind?
Carli walked down to the bathroom and I heard the shower start to run. I took off my shirt, shoes, and pants and grabbed a blanket from the closet in the hallway. I came back to the couch and laid down. I started to drift off when I heard the shower stop and the bathroom door open. As she was walking out of the bathroom, she was wearing her clothes from before but her hair was wet. It looks beautiful. It was wavy and blonde. She strutted into the bedroom and shut the door behind her.
I close my eyes to fall asleep again and the only thing on my mind is her. She is the only thing I can think of. Why am I falling so hard for her?
As I'm thinking about her, my muscles relax and my breathing slows down and I finally fall asleep.

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