Chapter 5

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(Carli's POV)
I feel terrible for doing this to Amanda. She loves Sonny do I. Sonny loves me. I know he does. But...I could be wrong. Is he playing me? Is he only pretending to like me so I would feel safe? Is he going to leave me for Amanda?
No. Stop. I can't think like that. Sonny is my only gateway to happiness right now. I can't afford to believe he would destroy me like that.
Sonny led me to Olivia's office and knocked on the door. She opened the door and seemed irritated.
"Carisi?" she asked.
"May I come in?" Sonny whispered.
"Yeah." she said.
"Carli...have a seat at my desk. I'll be there in a few minutes." Sonny said to me before he went into Olivia's office.
"Okay..." I said as I took a seat at his desk.
(Olivia's POV)
I let Sonny come into my office even though I'm still royally pissed at him for lying right to my face.
"I've been meaning to ask you...have you collared Mr. Wiley yet?" he asked me.
"Well yeah. He's in the cage. Didn't you see him?" I asked confused.
"Oh no...I haven't really been paying attention..." he replied.
"Well that's obvious." I said and I rolled my eyes.
He sighed.
"Well Carli said she's ready to identify him." he was staring right into my eyes.
"Okay. Well first of all, please stop staring at me like that. It's freaking me out. And secondly, I'll have the line up set up." I said and I left my office.
(Sonny's POV)
Olivia seemed really annoyed by me. I feel like a total ass. Why did I lie to her? She's never going to trust me with anything ever again. I'm just trying to protect my relationship with Carli.
I left Olivia's office and went over to my desk. Carli was crying. I knelt down and looked into her eyes.
"Hey...what's wrong?" I asked as I wiped away her tears.
"Just...nothing...." she trailed off.
"Carli I know something is wrong. You can tell me." I begged.
"It was just another flashback, Sonny. Okay?" she said as her voice cracked and more tears fell.
I kissed her forehead, lifted her up, and hugged her tightly. She started sobbing.
"'s okay...I'm right here." I said and my heart was shattering into pieces.
On the other side of the room, Olivia was taking Chuck out of the cage so she could take him to the line up.
"Where the hell is Rollins?" I heard her say.
"I haven't seen her." Nick said.
Olivia sighed.
"Okay. Amaro take Chuck down to the line up." she said and she ushered Chuck over to Nick.
"Okay, Serge." Nick replied and he walked Chuck down the hallway, away from Carli and I.
Carli was literally shaking in my arms like she was just pulled out of the Arctic Ocean. I hugged her tighter and caressed her back. This was tearing me apart, seeing her like this.
Nick came back through the hallway and over to the two of us.
"Hey uh...the line up is ready. Barba is on his way up here." he said calmly.
"Okay. Thanks, Nick." I replied.
"No problem." he said as he walked over to his desk.
I looked Carli in the eyes and put my hands on her shoulders.
"Hey...are you sure you're ready for this?" I asked her.
"Yeah...yeah I'm ready." she said a little unsure.
"Are you positive?" I asked.
"Yeah..." she said looking down at the ground.
Barba walked into the squad room.
"Alright. Ready?" he asked.
"Yeah. Let's go Carli." I said.
We walked down the hallway to where Olivia was standing. There were 5 men in the room. Chuck was number 4.
"Okay, Carli. Do you see the man who attacked you?" Olivia asked.
Carli was squeezing my hand tight.
"Uh..y-yes. That's him. Number 4." she said pointing.
"Are you sure?" Olivia asked.
"Positive. That's the man who raped me." Carli said in a strong voice.
"Okay." Olivia said as she knocked 4 times on the window.
"Thank you, Carli." she said.
"No, thank you, Olivia." Carli said.
Olivia smiled a little.
"Hey...I'm sorry that Sonny and I tried to hide our relationship." she said and my heart dropped.
"It's okay, Carli." she said.
Olivia turned to me.
"I had you and Rollins set up to work this case but now that 'this' is going on I had to change it. It's now Amaro and Fin. It would be Amanda but she doesn't seem to be here." Olivia said with determined eyes.
I was quiet for a couple of seconds.
"Okay. Thanks, Serge." I said awkwardly.
"Just try not to lie to me anymore, okay, Carisi?" she asked.
"Okay." I said.
"I'm sending Fin and Amaro in to interrogate Chuck." she said.
I said nothing and she went back to her office.
I walked back to the interrogation room and Carli was following me.
"Hey...I don't think you want to watch this. I don't want you getting hurt." I said softly.
"No. I'm staying. I want to see what this sick bastard has to say." she said bravely.
Fin and Nick were inside the interrogation room with Chuck. Chuck looked like he weighed about 200lbs. He had red curly hair and wore square glasses. I turned up the volume to the room.
"You like raping women?" Fin asked.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Chuck said with a sly smile.
"So you don't remember what you did to your ex girlfriend's sister last night?" Nick said.
"No, I remember that. It's just that you said women. I only raped one woman." Chuck said with a maniacal laugh.
My blood was boiling and my face was turning red. Olivia came out of her office and saw me standing there.
"Carisi? What are you doing?" she asked.
"Carli wanted to watch the interrogation." I replied not looking at Olivia.
I was clenching my fists.
"Whoa...take it easy, Sonny." she said trying to calm me down.
Inside the room things with Chuck were getting detailed.
"Yeah I raped her. I took her into the bedroom and held her down. I smashed the lamp over her head and I tied her up. And I did her slow. So she would suffer." he said.
That crossed the line.
"YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH!" I yelled and I stormed into the room.
I picked Chuck up from the chair and slammed him against the wall and punched him in the face.
Nick and Olivia were trying to pull me off of him. I got a few more hits at Chuck before Nick finally got me off of him.
Chuck was bleeding from the nose and mouth.
"That's what you get for assaulting my girlfriend, you bastard." I said and I stormed out of the room.
Olivia came running after me.
"What the hell was that?!" she was pissed.
"I wasn't just going to stand there and listen to him talk about it like that." I said about to cry.
"I understand that, Sonny, but you have to control yourself. You're going to get yourself in trouble. I don't need to lose one of my best detectives." she said.
I took some deep breaths and ran my hands through my hair.
"Look, go home. You need to relax." she said.
I stood there and gave her a state that said 'I'm not going anywhere.'
"That's an order." she said boldly.
"Fine. Carli lets go..." I said and Carli grabbed my hand and we left the precinct.

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