RYAN PRESCOTT sister or Sidney prescott and best friends with randy meeks two geeks. One morning while he was late for school and running out the door he triped over a............present?
Now he has to figure out who this secret admirer is without g...
The next morning. I wake up peacefully... A little too peacefully My body pushes itself forward on the bed to where I'm sitting up. I check my clock above my bed. Only to see that is 8 45"oh SHIT I'm late REALLY FUCKING LATE " I jump out of bed running to my closet and pulling out random clothes I find. Open and go together.
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I go to my bed, bending down and picking up my same old Off brand white shoes. Putting them on over some white ankle high socks. I start running down the stairs. At lightning speed, going to the kitchen table to grab a apple out of the fruit bowl in the middle of the table. I grabbed my schoolbag off The couch where I left It yesterday With all my unfinished homework. I fling the door open and run out. My running doesn't last long though as I trip over a mysterious box in the middle of the doorway Hurting the palms of my hands while trying to catch myself. I get up steadily While sucking and heavily Breath I turned around to see what the culprit was only to see ............ a present?
I go near the present cautiously But after thinking about it for a bit. I assume it's probably my sister's. So I go up to the present to bring it in And I see my name written on. The purple glittery Bow on the top my favorite color. I get really excited and start To smile like a kid on Christmas morning I start to open the gift at a rap paste Once I get the gift open and move all the tissue paper around the Box I see a letter I open the letter with care Obviously not taking too long.
What I say on that letter makes my blood red cold. I instantly stop smiling. And double read To make sure I understand what the letter said..
Hello Ryan
I have gotten you a gift I would like u to wear from now on unless I say other wise I have been watching u for some time now and just can't resist you so wear what I have gifted u it should go great with that fluffy brown hair of yours . Love Ghostface
I don't know what to say. I'm excited and scared at the same time. Excited to know that I have a secret admirer but. Scared to note they've been watching Me Watching me enough to know my favorite color is purple. Watching me enough to know about my brown fluffy hair. But who knows, maybe I just know them from school or something. Enabled or heard me say my favorite color is purple. There's a reasonable explanation for this. I reached into the box farther and pulled out an item.
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It's a plain black chocolate necklace with a corset Type front It's actually very pretty, but not my style at all. So it will stick out like a sore thumb So I probably won't wear it today. Maybe tomorrow though I thought. Just As I was about to throw the box in the garbage. A white and golden letter catches my Eye at the bottom. I snatched the white and gold letter. Tarried open quickly and read the rest. I let out a loud and nervous chuckle at what i'm readin It's so bad that I don't believe it's true.
If you don't wear My gift Poor Casey Becker Won't live to see the Light of day tomorrow. I will string her up like A gutted fish. So it's best that you wear the gift don't test Me it will end well.
I scoff at what I'm reading. This has to be subkind of sick joke. I go back inside and run up the stairs to place the necklace on my dresser. It's pretty, don't get me wrong. I won't waste it. I quickly run back downstairs and throw the Gift box in the garbage. Grab my bag off the ground in front of my door. Close and lock my door. Getting a weird feeling somebody's watching me again.
I start walking to school. Only to get a arm thrown around me. That arm clearly belongs to somebody who's out of breath. I look Over to see Billy Loomis of all people. Out of breath looking as If he just ran a marathon. And on my other side stu Matcher I do get a little nervous when I'm Alonewith just The 2 of them. But it should be fine, we're almost at school. " you running late to " billy grins but it looks forced replying "yup I slept over at stus last night and the duffos didn't set his alarm clock " HEY I'm right here u know " whatever " billy rolls his eyes at stu and gives him a glare then looks down at me them back to stu of course I'm to busy starting at these dogs being walked beside us going the other way enough to know what's going on
When we arrive back at school, we Split ways after billy and stu give me a kiss on the cheek which was Surprise To say the least. I stand out like an idiot in the hallway for A couple seconds before walking to my first class. I'll send the bell rings and I realize that I missed all of first period So I start walking in my second class.
After slaving away all day, my final class is here. I walk into last period Excited to get to talk to stu and casey But surprised when I see neither of them So instead I go to the next best thing. Steve Casey's boyfriend." HEY have u seen Casey?" Yea I saw her this morning she's pretty sick she went home in 4th period " poor Casey tell her I hope she gets better soon " Sure thing, I'll tell you tonight. I'm going over there to have a movie night to cheer her up"thats good have fun man" I say to him as I walked to my seat. After class, I start walking home. Getting the weird feeling I'm being watched again. I'm really getting tired of it. I get home and I'm just so exhausted. That I Go to my room. Search of my closet for the perfect Pair pajamas I still feel like I'm being watched. Knowing that it's probably nothing. I'm still paranoid anyway. I go to change in the bathroom. Right beside my room.
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I go walking back to my. Room still feeling like I'm being watched. I don't have time to close the curtain so I go down and Plop down on my king's Size bed not caring if anybody's watching me anymore. I start to fall asleep. Not even knowing what's happening 20 miles from here. In the countryside.
Will next chapter be in Billy's pov? Or mabey stu?