India's golden boy

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From the first match of the World Cup, Shubman made the big stage his own.

And the funny thing was, it didn't surprise anyone.

Tons of former players and commentators, when asked about predictions about who would end up as the highest run scorer of the tournament, mentioned Shubman. After he had scored a match winning century and two half-centuries within the first three matches, no press conference was complete with people praising Shubman up to the skies.

On the way to the hotel or stadium, on the footpath or in buses, people cheered for the national team, everywhere. Reporters and photographers flocked everywhere. It overwhelmed Shubman more than he would admit.

And then there were the people chanting his name whenever he went to bat, before he had even hit a single boundary or scored a single run. On the sidelines during brief interviews, everywhere you would hear "I LOVE YOU SHUBMAN! MARRY ME, SHUBMAN!"

His teammates found it hilarious.

"Have your pick, Shubi," Shreyas said, waving his arms dramatically at a huge crowd screaming Shubman's name outside the hotel.

"Don't mislead the poor boy," said Surya. "Isn't your friend from childhood coming to meet us later on?"

"The poor boy?" Ishan muttered sarcastically.

The best for Shubman was of course Virat bhai cheering him on from the dugout or giving him the secret you-are-my-best-guy winks when they crossed over on the pitch or slipping to his room on the eve of match days to make sure he was not overthinking and had eaten enough and preparing to get enough sleep.

Ishan, his roommate (obviously) whined to Virat the day before their fourth match, "Why are you only concerned about him, Virat bhai?"

"Hah, we have divided responsibilities, kid," said Virat with a smug grin.

"What?" they asked.

"Now look, you two are a pair of holy troublemakers, you cannot expect one person to handle you both," said Virat.

Ishan laughed.

"You chose me, Virat bhai?" asked Shubman, suddenly feeling entitled.

"Of course," said Virat bhai with affection. "You're a 24 year old version of me, Shubi. Rohit can't possibly deal with you."

Shubman felt super proud of being so much like Virat bhai that Rohit bhai couldn't deal with him.

"Now go to sleep," said Virat. "Remember lights out on pre match days is?"

"Ten thirty," said Shubman.

Virat ruffled his hair, and went over to give Ishan a hug before he turned to leave.

"I am Virat bhai's favourite," crowed Shubman the moment the door had closed.

"Great achievement," Ishan said.

"It is," insisted Shubman. "It's Virat bhai. I am Virat bhai's favourite."

"Yeah, and he told you to go to sleep so that you can get up tomorrow and score another century," said Ishan. "So decide if you want to stay up gloating for being his favourite or actually respect his order and sleep."

"Point," said Shubman. "Definitely a point."

"Glad," said Ishan. "Good night, Virat bhai's favourite."

There was no resentment in Ishan's voice but Shubman felt a twinge of anxiousness.

"I was just, uh, joking," he said.

"Everyone knows you actually are Virat bhai's favourite. Nobody minds," assured Ishan.

Shubman hoped he wasn't lying about the minding thing.

"You are Rohit bhai's favourite though," he said cheerfully.

"Oh yes, of course."

They laughed before Ishan switched off the light.

The next day, Shubman and Ishan put up the winning 100 run partnership. When they met in the pitch to hug, Ishan pointed towards the dugout.

"Because I forced you to listen to Virat bhai and we slept on time," he said.

"Oh yes," said Shubman sweetly. "All my achievements are your and Virat bhai's credit. And my dad's. God, dare not forget him."

Ishan's gloved hand gave him a punch on the cheek.

Did You Know Me? (Shubman Gill x Ishan Kishan)Where stories live. Discover now