Can't help but forgive

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There was a huge elaborate felicitation when the Indian and Australians teams reached Ahmedabad for the finals. The Prime Minister himself was supposed to come to wish the teams luck.

"I hope he gives the Australian team bad luck," Shubman whispered to Ishan while they were getting ready.

"Shubman," said Rahul bhai sternly.

"Sorry, Rahul bhai, just joking...." Shubman made his voice even lower. "I do think the seniors take the spirit of the sport too seriously at times."

"Isn't Pat Cummins your friend?" asked Ishan.

"Well....okay, fine."

Their team went to the function hall decked in identical clothes. The Australian team joined them along the stage, and Shubman certainly didn't seem to be wishing them bad luck from the way he had gone over to slap hands with Pat Cummins.

By now Ishan was used to the freaky sort of possessiveness he felt all the time when Shubman was around, well, practically anyone except the seniors of their team and his own family. So it was okay, he had learnt to ignore it, and he made his way to Hardik, who was surrounded by a big group of intimidating people.

When Hardik saw him, he excused himself and joined Ishan.

"Who were those?" asked Ishan.

"Cabinet members," said Hardik.

"Wow," said Ishan. "And they all seem to want to talk to you. Well, you are vice captain, you are huge, Harry bhaiya."

"Hah," said Hardik, grinning. "And here comes someone bigger than all of us, except maybe Virat. Hello Sachin sir!"

Hardik pulled Ishan along to go and greet the legend and his wife. Arjun gave Ishan a punch on the shoulder, saying, "Look at you all dressed up."

"It's not too pleasant," admitted Ishan, looking down at himself.

"Hello, Ishan," Sara's voice said behind him.

Weird green envy clouded Ishan's thoughts. He took a deep breath.

Not her fault. Not her fault.

"Hello, Sara," he said. His voice sounded weird anyway.

Sachin sir, Anjali mam and Arjun had been swarmed by some more official and intimidating men. Hardik seemed to be doing some introductions.

"You nervous?" Sara asked.

"Huh?" Ishan tore his gaze away and looked at her. "Oh, a-a bit, yeah...."

"It was obvious, isn't it?" Sara laughed. "Papa speaks of the gap between the semi finals and finals of 2003 and 2011, it's enough to drive anyone crazy."

"Yeah...." Ishan could not continue to speak normally.

And it was really sad.

Sara used to be a good friend. When he came into Mumbai Indians in 2016, fresh from the Under 19 World Cup, he had met Sara Tendulkar, their mentor's daughter at an event and they'd spent a lot of time together at events later. It was he who had introduced Shubman to Sara two years later.

Even after Shubman and Sara's unstable relationship over the years, Ishan had managed to keep his feelings regarding her unbiased. But today, it was proving to be absolutely impossible.

The girl who Shubman would probably love all his life.

Was Ishan supposed to be unbiased towards her? How could he?

"Do you.... do you want to meet Shubman?" blurted out Ishan like a complete idiot. "He was over there with the Aussies, talking to Pat...."

Sara gave him a strange look.

"Um, okay. I'll find him."

She went away, leaving Ishan to fight with a barrage of guilt and envy.


Sending Sara over to talk to Shubman was the best thing Ishan could have done as a best friend, he reflected bitterly. Shubman had eyes for no one after that.



And since he was the one who had suggested Sara go talk to Shubman, he could not fairly blame Shubman. He was not Shubman's responsibility. He was not even new to the team, or lonely or introverted that Shubman was bound to let Ishan tag along all the damn time.

Shubman knew Ishan had other friends.

Well, that would help if Ishan could overcome his ugly jealousy and actually talk normally, you know?

Ishan spent the felicitation ceremony hovering out of sight of the crowds, his eyes seeking out Shubman and Sara laughing, talking, touching each other's arms every time he forced them to look elsewhere.


Their team returned to the hotel before the booze party started (no one complained, not even the frivolous juniors).

Sachin sir's family was boarding at the same hotel. Shubman and Sara stood near the lift, possibly bidding each other a very long goodnight. Ishan avoided the lift and made for the stairs.

Nisha was standing there.

"Hi!" said Ishan, surprised. "Shubman didn't say you're coming today-"

They both turned to look at the pair by the lift.

"Well, it is quite likely he has forgotten," said Nisha.

She had tried to keep her resentment minimum, but Ishan could not fail to see she was hurt. And why wouldn't she be, anyway, if the person who had invited her to a high profile hotel amidst celebrities could not even be bothered to come and show her in?

Ishan felt awful for her.

"You know," he said. "He can be an absolute insensitive prick at times, but I know him, and he cares for you a lot. I'm-I'm sure you know that."

"I know," said Nisha. "It's not like this is anything new." 

"Of course not," said Ishan. "He has little brains left to spare on other people when Sara comes into the picture." 

Nisha looked at him searchingly. Ishan, realizing that maybe he had sounded a bit too bitter, looked away.

"Yeah," said Nisha. "And the problem is, when he comes and apologizes to you with his melting eyes, you can't help but forgive him."

"Tell me about it," said Ishan.

Both their laughs were a bit strained, but the silence was comfortable as they walked up the stairs together.

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