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Emi and Shota took their leave from there and proceeded to head for the exit of the agency together. Along with their typical "Let's get married, Eraser!" "Shut up, Joke." argument. Hakamada watches them both head out and let out a sigh.

"Blind love." He slowly whispered. He can't ever understand those two, so close yet so far. Especially Aizawa, he is always too stubborn about his feelings. Well... we'll just have to wait and see for them. Hakamada's inner thoughts.


Shouta let out a tired sigh. He never liked being in the sun for a long amount of time. One of his reasons why he prefers night patrols rather than the day. He only goes on day patrol if only he had to. He wiped off some sweat that was coming down his face and put on his sunglasses.

He's currently standing at the train station, waiting for Emi. The train is about to leave in another 10 minutes and he still hasn't seen her anywhere. Shouta looks around, trying to find where Emi is.

Where is she? ...

"Aizawa!" He heard Emi's voice calling him from afar. He spun his head towards the voice calling him. "Over here!" He saw her, not far from where he's standing. He raised his right hand and raised two fingers beckoning her to come to him.

Waiting for her, he scanned her up to toe her through his sunglasses. She wore a bright yellow floral sundress fluttering in the breeze, the length past her knee. Along with her her hair tied up into a ponytail with white low heels sandals. The outfit just describe... Emi. Shouta thought it must've been the hot weather. He can't deny, the weather today isn't very pleasant.

She looks...

"Sorry Aizawa, I don't always late on time but the traffic was insane! You wouldn't believe me if i say-"

"Shouta." He cut her off. She looked at him frozen. She had already forgotten what she was about to tell him.


"Call me Shouta. We're on a mission, we need to blend out and act as civilians." He explained and Emi blushed at his comment. "O-Oh, alright then you should call me by my name Erase- I MEAN. S- Shouta!" She laughed to cover her embarrassment. called "I hope you haven't forgotten it since it's been a while."

"Of course, I remember your name, Emi." He told her. Causing her to blush even more.

CRAP, Pull yourself together Em. We're on a mission here!

Inner Emi told herself.

"HAHA, I was just testing you!" She laughed once again. That's just how Emi is. Laugh over everything, ESPECIALLY, when she's embarrassed. Shouta had noticed this ever since he first met her. Her body language, her type of laughs. Nervous laugh, embarrassed laugh. And his favorite, her genuine laugh.

"Sure Emi" Shouta gently grab her suitcase from her and carries it with his right hand while he carry his dark coloured duffle bag on the other.

OH MY GOD. Is he trying to kill me? WITH HIS LOOK.

"C'mon. We don't wanna miss the train, you already took most of our time" He teased.

"H-hey, I didn't do it on purpose!"

Heading into the train. Emi looked away anywhere except him. Just by his looks right now made her flushed. To avoid Shouta from seeing her red tomato face.

He wore a casual gray t-shirt and topped it with a black sweater as well as a black slack pants, hair tied up. So casual yet so good on him.

Does he know the t-shirt looks tight on his chest? EM. STOP. FOCUS ON THE MISSION. Calm down Em, calm down.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Are you okay, Emi?"

He needs to stop calling my name like that!

Like what bitch?

I don't know! But not while looking all sexy!

You're just feeling like this because he never actually call you by your name. Chill out girl.

You're right. I am overthinking.

"Yes! Why did you ask?" She turned to face him and finally gained composure of herself.

"...Nothing. You just look tired. Did you get enough rest?" He examined her face.

"Y-YES, I did! Stop worrying too much Shouta." She lied.

Honestly, she didn't. She thought she didn't need the night patrol off so she proceeded to go for her patrol. She thought it wouldn't be so bad the next day. Plus she needed something to do last night, she didn't wanna stay home and grade papers.

Shouta knew she lied. He knew her. But he decided to let it slide.

He put their bags above the storage above their heads and took their seats.

"Shouta, can I have the window seats, please" Emi said pointing to the seat.

What was that? Why is that cute?

There's a please. How can he say no?

He let out a scoff. Motion his head for her to go ahead.

"Yes! Thanks Shouta." She whispered, not wanting to disturb anyone's peace on the train. She knew she could be loud.

They took their seats and waited for the announcement.

Shouta was the one who broke the silence between them. Surprisingly.

"How did you know Tenjin is in Fukuoka?" He asked as he took off his sunglasses tucked in his shirt.

"Oh, hehe. When I was little, my dad once brought all of us to Fukuoka. It was a super duper short trip, but the memories are worth so much! I remembered the warm ambiance of the beach. ESPECIALLY the beach! The homey feeling made it felt like home. And we got a chance to see the Fukuoka Tower light up during night time! We didn't get to see it up close obviously, but the view from the hotel was enough. Sure I still love Tokyo but Fukuoka was the memorable memory I shared with" She ended sharing her story with a dreamy sigh.

Shouta listened.

So she likes the sea huh?

"Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome aboard. We'll be heading to our next station : Fukuoka. Please enjoy the next five hours and we'll make sure to provide our people with the best service we could."

This is gonna be a long ride. Shouta's inner thoughts.

This is gonna be fun! Emi's inner thoughts.

They both thought at the same time.


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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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