evil web

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In a web spun an evil profound.
A malevolent presence that holds me so tight,
Like a helpless prey, trapped in eternal night.

With every step forward, I stumble and fall,
Ensnared in the labyrinthine lies of this thrall.
In their twisted game, I serve as their pawn,
Manipulated, controlled, my spirit nearly gone.

An evil person, they weave their deceit,
A master of shadows, their intentions discreet.
Their words like venom, dripping with malice,
Enveloping my soul, trapping me in this palace.

Oh, how they've treated me with disdain,
As if I were merely a puppet to entertain.
They pull at my strings, twisting my desires,
Feeding on my dreams, stoking their fires.

I long for escape, for freedom's embrace,
But the web they've spun tightens its brace.
Every attempt to free meets resistance,
As they revel in their power's persistence.

Like a spider, they spin their artful snare,
Collecting souls, inflicting pain with flair.
Their silken threads surround me, entangled,
Choking my voice, my spirit left mangled.

But deep within, a flame begins to ignite,
A flickering hope, refusing to succumb to this plight.
Even in darkness, there is a glimmer of light,
A born from adversity, ready to take flight.

No longer will I tremble under their wrath,
No more a victim, no longer their path.
I'll gather the courage to break through this deceit,
To reclaim my spirit, to rise from their defeat.

The web may be intricate, but the key,
To unlock the shackles that bind and set free.
With a resilience shield and truth as my guide,
I'll tear down what they've tried to hide.

For I am not prey, nor puppet to be played,
I am a warrior, spirit cannot be swayed.
In the face of evil, I'll stand tall and strong,
Unraveling their web, proving them wrong.

And when the dark veil lifts away,
I'll emerge victorious, survivor of this affray.
For in the wickedness vile,
The light within me will always reconcile.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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